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Lets Go

Christmas General Knowledge

Round 1

5 questions

Question 1/5

Question 2/5

Question 3/5

Question 4/5

Question 5/5

Lets Go

Christmas TV & Films

Round 2

6 questions

Question 1/6

Question 2/6

Question 3/6

Question 4/6

Question 5/6

Question 6/6

Lets Go

Christmas Music

Round 3

6 questions

Question 1/6

Question 2/6

Question 3/6

Question 4/6

Question 5/6

Question 6/6

Lets Go

Christmas Food & Drink

Round 4

6 questions

Question 1/6

Question 2/6

Question 3/6

Question 4/6

Question 5/6

Question 6/6

Lets Go

The team does Christmas!

Round 5

22 questions

Question 1

Why Katherine loves this film!

Catchy tunes, Rizzo the Rat as narrator, and Mrs Piggy - need I say more?!


Question 2Who's Christmas tradition is it?

This is Erin's Christmas tradition!

We always go for a walk, or to the lake then have a BBQ. It’s just nice to spend quality time doing nourishing things under the sun.


Question 3

More about this gift!

This was as a reward for trying to not run away from school as much!


Question 4

Where did this Elf come from?


The naughty Elves arrived one night with this for the kids in 2020!#elfieselfie

Question 5

What they said about the film choice...

Aimee - It's the love!Erin - When Emma Thompson’s character finds out that her husband (Alan Rickman) brought a necklace for someone else, goes into her room, has a moment to collect herself, then puts a brave face on for her kids because its their big production night, it always makes me cry and I think it’s truly excellent acting.


Question 6

Why is this Charlies favourite?


Just because it’s very sweet and funny. Who doesn’t love a good (bad) Schwazz film?

Question 7 Who's Christmas tradition is it?


When spending holidays away from family my partner and I got into the practice of going for a walk on Christmas day. It was always so quiet and gentle and I came to love those Christmases the best. Now even if I'm with family I try to fit in a Christmas walk or one on boxing day. It clears the head.

Yep its Aimee's Christmas tradition!

Question 8

What is Charlie's role in Santa's workshop?

Quality checking of course! 🤭


Head of Quality Assurance

Question 9

More from Craig.....

It has to be The Snowman. Who doesn't love that flying scene?! It was always the first thing I looked for when I was circling the Christmas TV listings as a kid.


Question 10

Why did Aimee's sister gift her this?

My sister was horrible to me growing up. She never got me Christmas gifts but this one year she did it to mess with my mind. It was this small squishy package and I think she was hoping I would secretly unwrap it to see what it was. Eventually the curiosity got the better of me and I snuck down in the night and carefully unwrapped it only to find a zip lock bag of peanut butter! So that made it even worse to have to pretend like I didn't know what she did and unwrap it with surprise on the day. I'm happy to report that she is a much better gift giver as an adult.


Question 11Who's Christmas tradition is it?


This is Lucy's Christmas tradition!

This is something that my Gran made for the family (not me as I was too young) every Christmas eve, my dad now does this and so I will carry on the tradition this year as we are at home for Christmas eve for the first time ☺

Question 12Who's Christmas tradition is it?


This is Katherine's Christmas tradition!

Our little cardboard Father Christmas who has different outfits for different days over Christmas. He's been part of the family since I was a child.

Question 13


It's Craigs!

Here is the full set ✋How cute are these!(this picture would of given away the answer for sure!)

Question 14Who's Christmas tradition is it?


This is Craig's Christmas tradition!

I always make sure I've made up a packet of Colemans Onion Sauce to go with my Christmas dinner. It was always there on my mum's dinners, and I can't have turkey without!

Question 15

Lucy's favourite film was a hard choice!

This was really hard because it isn't really Christmas until I have watch all of these films!!


Question 16


Katherine's favourite pud is a classic!

Question 17Who's Christmas tradition is it?

This is Charlie's Christmas tradition!

Christmas film night with my mum. We always watch It’s a Wonderful Life (our fave film) and a few others with drinks and snacks. It’s just really nice having our thing.


Question 18

It's Charlie's!!

Charlies original answer was too good not to share..... My most unforgettable memory was when my estranged husband joined me for my office Christmas party but then the venue was taken over by terrorists! She couldn't think of a memory so just dropped the die hard plot in there 🤣


Actual answer:

My parents always buy loads of food and drinks for Xmas and store it in the garage. One day me and mum were in the garage and she picked up a bag of Galaxy counters which felt half empty and she declared “someone’s already opened these!” Before tipping some into her hand and throwing the whole handful into her mouth. She was quite pleased with herself until I pointed out that the bag had been nibbled open from the bottom and she promptly spat them out!!

Question 19


It's Katherine's!

Henry's amazed face his first Christmas when he saw the Beef Wellington we'd made - it was total coincidence as he was 7 months old, but it was very cute.

Question 20

Chocolate covered kruidnoten!

The Netherlands At home, during Sinterklaas eve, kruidnoten and other candies are thrown around. Children consider it a form of entertainment to go around and collect the dropped candies. In earlier days it was habit to throw around kruidnoten on the pavement and at schools during visits of Sinterklaas, too.


Question 21

It's Craig's!!

I remember going sledging in deep-snow across the fields with my sister when I was 9 or 10 [not sure if this was Christmas, but it feels like it was]


** This is not actual footage of Craig!!**

Question 22


It's Erin's!

Did you know?Pavlova is of Australian and New Zealand origin. New Zealanders and Australians compete for ownership of pavlova, which in both countries is an iconic national delicacy.


Well done!!!I hope you enjoyed it 😁

End of the quiz!