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Maria Lopez OchoaEDU-524Professor Sherry Wells

Food Vendors

Food vendors are victims of discrimination and/or racism.


Whole group- Ask students to define stigma and discrimination. Have them share real examples. Explain to students that they will each get a playing card and can not look at or the game won't work. When the game starts they will need to place the card on their forehead, facing out so their peers can look at it. Students will walk around and greet people in their community , but can't communicate verbally. Explain the characteristics of each card and can only respond using body language and facial expressions. Jacks have a deadly, highly communicable diseaseQueens are nasty people who appear nice but cannot betrusted Kings are the wealthiest in the community and willhelp people they deem worthyAll other cards are ordinary citizens Have student's engage in the simulation for 5 minutes. After, have the students reflect on how they felt when their peers greeted them. Ask students to make lines guessing on the card they think they have based on the reactions they received. Have students look at their card and go to the correct line if they didn't guess correctly.

Silent Stigma Simulation



1.Which groups of people experience discrimination?(e.g. immigrants, refugees, the poor, women and girls, people with HIV or AIDS, child soldiers, people with disabilities, etc.)2. What responsibility do we have to act when we seediscrimination happening?

10 minutes

Answer these questions on a piece of paper.


Bring the world into your classroom. https://ca.pbslearningmedia.org/
Authentic news and critical thinking skills that shape active global citizens. https://www.timeforkids.com/
Students can explore climate change through games, interactive features, and existing articleshttps://climatekids.nasa.gov/


California Street Vendor. (n.d.). Street vendors are being targeted. https://castreetvendors.org/Flores, J. (2023). S.F. investigating why public works employee threw hot dog's vendors cart to the ground. San Francisco Chronicle. https://www.sfchronicle.com/sf/article/public-works-food-vendor-video-18402570.phpGlobal Education Activity Resource. (n.d.). Silent stigma simulation. Education and Public Engagement. https://teachpsych.org/resources/DiversityActivities/Global%20Awareness%20Activities%20WorldVision-GEAR.pdf


Street vendors are important for Californias food system (infrastructure).

Street vendors are hard working people who contribute to the economy and provide accessible food options in places where it is scarse.

Empowering street vendors gives economic stability to people of color. The majority of street vendors are black and brown women. In supporting them we are supporting a more racially diverse community.

Street vendors are important in local neighborhoods. They are the backbone of communities and economies.

What was it like to be privileged (Kings)? Avoided (Queens and Jacks)? Living near someone with a deadly disease? (citizens)

What specific gestures or actions did others maketowards you that helped you determine which type of person you were?