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Climate Change

Impacts on New York Environment

Damage Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change To properly battle climate change, planning and implementation of safety measures are essential. Strengthening the resiliency of defensive measure such as storm surge precautions and flood hazard preventatives.

"Sea level rise is the most direct and observable effect of climate change in New York." -Department of Environmental Conservation

Climate Change Impacts in New York

Over the last few decades, New York has been subject to rising temperatures. Warmer winters are causing more rain and less snowy weather, while also affecting seasonal transitions into spring. Extreme weather is becoming more frequent as heat waves become more common as time progresses.

Plant and animal life diversity is being altered as result of heat waves and changing environmental factors. Invasive species are destroying native ecosystems. Sea level rise is also causing more flooding, storm surges, and erosion of coastal locations which further affects environments and habitats.

Climate change affects anthropogenic activities most drsatically by inhibiting agricultural activity across the NorthEastern US.


Garner, Andra J., et al. “Impact of Climate Change on New York City’s Coastal Flood Hazard: Increasing Flood Heights from the Preindustrial to 2300 CE.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 114, no. 45, 2017, pp. 11861–66. JSTOR, https://www.jstor.org/stable/26485682

“Climate Change Effects and Impacts.” Climate Change Effects and Impacts - NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation, www.dec.ny.gov/energy/94702.html.

Similar Climate Change Experience to New York

England is one of the most similar to New York's climate change situation. Not only are both densely populated urban hubs, but they face many similar threats. Sea level rise from climate change threatens coastal flooding in both locations. Weather patterns are also comparative as rain is now more present in winter seasons. Both see overall warmer conditions and face harsher and more heatwaves. Climate change globally presents issues of submerging many important coasts and altering ecosystems by shifting usual temperatures.

Top picture depicts New York, while bottom picture depicts London, England.

Damage Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change

To properly battle climate change, planning and implementation of safety measures are essential. Strengthening the resiliency of defensive measures such as storm surge precautions and flood hazard preventatives. Increasing understanding of climate change allows us to better anticipate and prepare for events. This allows for the reduction of negative impacts and vulnerability of the public.

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