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EED 310
Bethany Hendon


Bullying leads to large emotional tolls on students and leads to things such as depressiom, anxiety, and acedemic issues. The student will no longer be able to feel safe in the school environment.

Bullying is defined as a repeated aggressive behavior where one person in a position of power deliberately intimidates, abuses, or coerces an individual with the intention of harm either physically or emotionally.


What is Bullying?

Why does it matter?

  • Practice what you preach
    • Do not use your status at work to get things you want. Listen and work with your co-workers
  • Find out the magnitude of the issue
    • encourage conversation about bullying and give students outlets to say if they are being targeted
  • Keep up the Code of Conduct
    • enforce school values and punish when violations occur
  • Increase supervision
    • Bullying happens when no adults are watching so limit times when no supervision is happening.
  • Have prevention activities that get the students involved
    • Assemblies are a great way to get them involved

How is prevention implemented?

Fact:Around 160,000 students have reported skipping school due to being bullied in school.

  • It brings awareness to the problem and how prevalent it is in your school system.
  • It gives students an outlet to speak up about if they or someone they know is being targeted.
  • It can help bullied students connect with others who are in the same situation or have been in the past.
  • Could bring a bully to the realization of their actions and they affects it leaves in the people they target.


Advantages of bullying prevention...

Disadvantages to bullying prevention:

  • Bullying will always be there.
  • They sometimes have the opposite effect and can make situations worse
  • Bullies won't listen to the messages being told to students and will likely continue as they were.
  • It can lead to bullies finding more creative ways to bully victims and hide it better.

1- More than half of bullying situations stop with peer intervention.

2- 6th grade is the most bullied grade

3- The higher the grade level the less likely bullying will be reported

4- 1 in 5 students from ages 12 to 18 has experinced bullying

Facts about bullying

Recommendations for the teacher- nothing i FULLY PROof but as their teacher its your duty to try and create a safe ENVIRONMENT to encourage LEARNING.

Talk to your students and listen to what they say

Be a good example and know they are watching

Make sure your students know what bullying looks like

Be tough when needed and make sure they know your expectations of them

Spend time at recess and other times where supervision is needed

Give them a procedure on what to do if they are being bullied

  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9878318/#:~:text=The%20results%20show%20that%20these,conflict%20and%20instances%20of%20bullying.
  • https://www.dosomething.org/us/facts/11-facts-about-bullying#:~:text=More%20than%20half%20of%20bullying,once%20a%20week%20or%20more.
  • http://preventingbullying.promoteprevent.org/what-bullying#:~:text=Bullying%20defined,can%20be%20physical%20or%20verbal.
  • https://www.edutopia.org/blog/bullying-prevention-tips-teachers-parents-anne-obrien


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Captamos mejor el contenido visual. Este tipo de contenido está asociado a mecanismos cognitivos y psicológicos. Las cosas entran por los ojos, la primera imagen es la que cuenta. Asociamos el contenido visual con emociones.


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