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By Allison and Zoey

Sea Bunny


Sea bunny (Jorunna). Sea bunnies can be found throughout the Indo-Pacific Ocean, ranging from South Africa to the Central Pacific. While they can be found in shallow waters of the oceans around the world, they are mostly found off the coast of Japan, in the Indian Ocean, and off the coasts of the Philippines. They can be seen crawling along rocky surfaces or among the blades of seagrass.


Sea bunnies are the fuzzy creatures of the ocean. Their name comes from its rhinophores that look like rabbit ears at the front of its body. They have a fluffy bunny appearance due to the large number of papillae that cover the surface area of their body, creating a white fur coat, along with black specks. One unique feature is their ability to sting cells from jellyfish and use them for their own defense. An interesting feature about them is that they are able to change their color to blend in with their surroundings.

Physical description

Sea bunnies primarily feed on sea sponges. Sea sponges are low in nutrients but contain a variety of organic compounds that are beneficial to sea bunnies. They also eat algae, seagrass, and other small creatures, such as sea slugs or sea snails. Their diet depends on what is available, depending on the season and their location.

Food source

Sea bunnies don´t have any predators due to their toxic defense mechanism. They have the ability to steal toxic chemicals from their food. If a predator attempts to eat a sea bunny, the slug releases a toxic blast that is lethal to the predator.


-Their lifespan is typically between a few months and a year - They reproduce by exchanging packets of sperm called spermatophores to fertilize each other´s eggs - They have been seen in color white, yellow, brown, and rarely green.

Sea Bunny facts