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Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

Molar Melek- LME 488

01 / what are Global World Goals?

02 / what is Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure?

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understanding the World Goal:

Why is this a World Goal?

  • Peace and Security
  • Economic Growth
  • Capacity Building
  • Access to Information and Technology

what's life like in the industry, innovation, and infrastructure?

  • Construction, Manufacturing, and Energy Sector
  • Startups and Entrepreneurship, Technology and IT
  • Transportation, Urban Planning


Air pollution

  • Air pollution corrodes infrastructure, impacting buildings, bridges, and transportation systems over time.
  • Emissions from industrial processes, manufacturing, and power generation contribute to air pollution. This can lead to increased health risks for workers and nearby communities.
  • Air pollution can spur innovation in cleaner technologies and processes to reduce emissions. It may also drive the development of air quality monitoring systems.

Soil Pollution

  • Soil pollution can compromise the stability and integrity of structures, especially if pollutants affect the soil's composition.
  • Contamination issues may stimulate innovation in soil remediation technologies and sustainable land use practices.
  • Industrial activities, improper waste disposal, and chemical spills can contribute to soil pollution, affecting the quality of land for agriculture and development.

Water Pollution

  • Industrial discharges into water bodies can contaminate water sources, affecting aquatic ecosystems and potentially causing harm to industries relying on clean water.
  • Water pollution challenges may drive innovation in water treatment technologies and sustainable water management practices.
  • Water pollution can deteriorate infrastructure like pipes and water treatment facilities, leading to increased maintenance costs.

Waste pollution

  • Improper disposal of industrial waste can lead to pollution and environmental degradation, affecting nearby communities and ecosystems.
  • The need for sustainable waste management practices can drive innovation in recycling technologies and circular economy solutions.
  • Inadequate waste management can lead to the deterioration of infrastructure, especially if hazardous waste contaminates the surrounding environment.

Global Problem: Climate Change

  • Operational Risks
  • Research and Development
  • Physical Risks

National Problem: inadequate investment and maintenance

  • Aging Infrastructure
  • Insufficient Investment
  • Climate Resilience

Local Connection:Energy Resources

  • Energy Costs for Industries
  • Community Resilience
  • Dependency on Fossil Fuels

03 / What can YOU do?

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