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By: Shelby Summers

World Goal: Quality Education

Education for Sustainable development and global citizenship

Eliminate All discrimination in education

Target Goals

Section 1: Explore the goal Quality Education

Important statistics
  • Across the world, more than 72 million children are not able to gain access to an adequate education.
  • Almost 759 million adults remain illiterate
  • People have different definitions of quality education
  • A basic definition is providing life long learning to everyone no matter what!

What Does Quality Education Mean?

My Mindmap

In Bowling Green, we have two disticts who produce different quality education

We worry about Equity versus Equality

Poverty effects quality education

Local Impact

National Problem

Global Impact

Education and poverty are corelated to each otherThe Most poweful weapon against poverty is education

Global Impact

National Problem

County Schools

City Schools

Differnces in the two school ditrcits within Bowling Green

Section 2: Understand and Interpret the goal Quality Education

+ info

  1. Teacher to student ratios are high
  2. Not enough acess to materials
  3. Lack of infrastructure
  4. minority groups are underrepresented
  5. not enough global investment in eduaction

Even when kids have acess to education that does not mean they have acess to a quality education

Common problems in Quality Education

Quality education Video

3. Goals

Quality Education Survey Demographics

Data that stood out

  • 98% said there is discrimnation within the schools
  • Every type of discrimination has more than 50% of people saying it exisits
  • The bigest form of discrimination based on my data is gender

Quality Education Survey Anaylsis

  • The U.S is a developed country
  • only 40 % of my survey said the U.S provides quality education
  • 45% of people from my survey did not feel prepared for the future
  • 54% did not talk about possible careers in school

Education in the U.S



Section 3: Brainstorm Advocacy Strategies for the goal Quality Education

  • Targeted to make all students global citisens
  • Full of examples
  • Great resorce for teachers

Pages of E Magazine

  • learn what a global citizen means
  • Be an example of a global citizen to the children in your life
  • Travel
  • Keep the earth clean
  • Emerce your kids in different cultural experiences
  • Talk about different countries with your kids
  • Fund the schools

How YOU can help!

  • Cognitive
    • Show examples of global issues
    • Let students discuss problems with one another
  • Behavoiral
    • Have students create projects to induct change
    • Give students oppurtunities to create change within their school
  • Socio-emotional
    • Teach citizenship within the classroom
    • Class Jobs
    • Teach kindness

How teachers Can help

Section 4: Develop Advocacy Strategy for the goal Quality Education

Solutions to make the goal of quality education obtainable
  • The goal was to see if they believe mentors help facilitate quality education!
  • A PSA video was attached to help influence them on the power of mentoring and donating
  • I reached out to see if my PSA was effective
  • I am currently a peer mentor
  • I have a mentor of my own
  • In highschool, I witnessed a mentor program help many students
  • I believe in the power of mentorship


My Advocacy Strategy

My Technology to support my Advocacy Strategy

Section 5: Test Advocacy Strategy for the goal Quality Education

My Ed Puzzle

  • Add more links so that it is easier to research the organizations listed in the video
  • Discuss the benefits of being a mentor
  • Share more personal stories to convince people to get involved
  • Focus on one charity
  • Becoming a mentor sounds incredible!
Two targeted audiences
  1. My co-workers
  2. College students

Their responses to the PSA

  • Focus on one charity
  • lists the benefits a mentor recieves
  • Include personal stories
  • Add more links
  • The level of detail
  • The use of multiple medias
  • Descriping the role of a mentor
  • Describing the benefit a mentee recieves
Ways to Improve:
Reflecting on the effectivenes of my PSA

Any Questions?

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