Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


New era new experiences


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Cambridge Dictionary
Fun fact

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Brain computer Inteface

4D printing

People reincarnation through AI

Gene technology


Watch two short scenes from the episode "Nosedive" of the famous Netflix show"Black Mirror".
Then go to Padlet and answer the following questions:
  • Do you think the film reflects a positive, negative or neutral approach to futuristic technology? Why?
  • Would you like to live in the reality presented in the trailer?


It acquires brain signals, analyze them, and translate them into commands that are relayed to devices that carry out desired actions. The main goal of BCI is to replace or restore useful function to people disabled by neuromuscular disorders.

(Shin, 2012)

Brain Computer Interface

A brain-computer interface is a direct communication pathway between an enhanced or wired brain and an external device. Beyond obvious and needed work in the prosthetic space, it’s the medical aspect which would be most transformative. A chip implemented in the brain could

  • help prevent airsickness,
  • detect cancer cells,
  • help with the rehabilitation of stroke victims.

Press here to see what it means in practise!


Gene technology

DNA alteration

Genomics is an interdisciplinary field of biology that focuses on the understanding and manipulation of DNA and genomes of living organisms. Among the most exciting current projects is the correction of DNA mutations which can lead to serious illnesses such as cancer or heart disease. Biotechnology is advancing to the point where it's managable to alter the DNA encoded within a cell; this will influence the characteristics that its descendants will have.

(Book, 2020)

4D printing

Put simply, a 4D-printed product is a 3D-printed object which can change properties when a specific stimulus is applied (submerged underwater, heated, shaken, not stirred…). The applications are still being discussed, but some very promising industries include healthcare (pills that activate only if the body reaches a certain temperature), fashion (clothes that become tighter in cold temperature), and home-making (furniture that becomes rigid under a certain stimulus).

A song with the voice of the ex-presidents of USA.
A song that is taking over tik tok (which the real Bud Bunny is putraged by).

Did you know that AI is currently creating music with the use of gbt chat and artificially created voice of famous artist or politics?

UCR News, 2021)

I am struck by the possibility of a future in which we might be able to feel more and more like our departed loved ones are “really still here” through voice and video generated to sound and look like them. Programs might be designed so that artificial reconstructions of them even say the kinds of things that they — based on past records — would have tended to say.

(Novoseltseva, 2022)

People reincarnation

By 2050, we’ll be able to send nanobots into people’s brains to extract memories of loved ones. Augment that with a DNA sampling , and it will be possible to create a convincing virtual version of somebody who’s passed on. If you are interested in it, there is a movie about it: the discovery.


Twenty years ago, few people could have imagined today's world:

  • social media,
  • FaceTime,
  • Siri, Google, etc.
For today's teenagers, these devices and platforms are nothing unusual. Will the next generation view future inventions in the same way? Well, I guess we'll have to wait to find out... For now, are you looking forward to discovering what the future holds? Let's see!