Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Step 1: The conceptThe concept should be outlined by the requestor using the new project request form

Step 2: CollaborationBring together the project team. Project Lead should develop project plan, communication plan and launch schedule

Make sure you have all relevant stakeholders involved from the beginning. This will help to prevent delays and ensure the best quality outcome

Step 3: DesignCommence the content design process with Subject Matter Experts and technology specialists

Regular meetings will be held throughout the design phase, scheduled by the project lead. These collaboration sessions will be essential in keeping the project on track.

Step 4: TestPilot the learning. There will be different steps for face-to-face and digital training

Step 5: Preparing to launchPrepare communications, open up registrations or access to the course and launch the course

Step 6: ReviewThe course will be added to the annual review process. Feedback reports will be reviewed and reported quarterly

Feedback will be shared with facilitators and the Senior Leadership team. This feedback will be used to review the effectiveness of the course and to support the annual course update process.

Classroom training pilots 1. Initial content review with SMEs 2. Run pilot session with learners to gather feedback 3. Review feedback and update course materials for approval4. Launch course eLearning and digital learning pilots1. Initial content review with SMEs 2. Run pilot with learners and/or consulation group 3. Review feedback and revise content and/or technical functionality (repeat as required) for approval4. Launch course

For more information or help completing the request form, please contact the People Development Team: training@refuge.org.uk

Course development process

This is a simple step-by-step guide to our course development process. Hover over to learn more at each of the steps

Be sure to give plenty of time for learners to sign up or complete the learning