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mental health disorder: ocd

This is an index

7. famous person
6. success rates
5. mental health treatment
4. cognitive
3. emotional
2. behavioural
1. DSM classifaction
  • Compulsions are repetitive.
  • people with OCD feel compelled to repeat a behaviour.
  • Compulsions reduce anxiety.
  • Vast majority of people with OCD,their compulsive behaviour is to manage the anxiety produced by obsessions.
  • Avoidance: they tend to keep away from situations that trigger their OCD.

Behavioural characteristics of ocd:

They experience catastrophic thoughts that lead them to have excessive anxiety.

e.g a persom experiencing overwhelming guilt may excessively pray or meditate.

Unpleasant recurring thoughtse.g. fear of being contaminated by dirt and germs.

OCD can involve negative emotions such as irrational guilt e.g. minor moral issues.

Depression can be a result of OCD and this can lead to low mood and lack of enjoyment in activities.

Obsessive thoughts are unpleasant and frightening and can lead to the anxiety being quite overwhelming.

emotional / cognitive characteristics of ocd

Insight into excessive anxiety

Use cognitive coping strategies

Obsessive thought

Guilt and Disguist

Accompanying depression

Anxiety and Distress

  • Obessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Body dysmorphic disorder
  • Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder)
  • Hoarding disorder
  • excoriation (skin-picking) disorder

Disorders in this classifaction include:

DSM-5 categories of OCD:

  • SNRIs increases levels of serotonin and a different type of neurotransmitter called noradrenaline.
  • Clomipramine also works on the serotonin system but has severe side effects.

3. Alternatives to SSSRIs

  • SSRIs and CBT at the same time reduces symptoms on ocd which as a result allows the patient to engage in CBT.

2. Combining SSSRIs with other treatments

  • When serotonin is released from the pre-synaptic cell into the synapse, it travels to the receptor sites on the post-synaptic neuron. Serotonin which is not absorbed into the post-synaptic neuron is reabsorbed into the pre-synaptic neuron.
  • SSRIs increase the level of serotonin available in the synapse by preventing it from being reabsorbed into the pre-synaptic neuron.
  • This increases level of serotonin in the synapse and results in more serotonin being received by the post-synaptic neuron.
  • Its an antidrepressant which works on the sertonin levles in the brain.
  • It prevents the reabsorption & break down of the chemical signal .
  • continues to stimulate the postsynaptic neurone.
  1. Drug therapy
Treatment for OCD:
  • Clear evidence to show that SSRI's reduce symptoms and improve the quality of life for people with OCD. An example of this, a case study by Mustafa Soomro, reviewed 17 studies that compared SSR's to placebos in the treatment of OCD. All 17 studies showed significantly better outcomes for SSRI's than for placebo conditions.
  • 70% of people taking SSRI's had reduced symptoms
  • Drug treatments are cost effective and non-disruptive to people lives
  • Cheaper than psychological treatment because many thousands of tablets or liquid doses can be manufactured in the time it takes to conduct one session of therapy

Strengths of effectiveness

How successful is the treatment for ocd?

Limitations of effectiveness

  • drugs can have serious potential side effects
  • small minority get no benefit
  • side effects like indigestion, blurred vision and lossof sex drive
  • these side effects are temporary but can be really stressful for an individual
  • those taking tricyclic clomipramine can have serious side effects
  • For example 1 in 10 experience eraction problems and weight gain and 1 in 100 become aggresive and develop heart problems

Famous person who sufferes from mental health

Actress meghan fox suffers from obsessive compulsive disorder .She admitted that she cannot dealwith "dirt" and cannot use public cutlery or entering a public restroom without feeling uncomfortable. She quouted "this is a sickness, i have an illness" . However ,she found her ocd getting better when she had her first son.

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