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1. Introduction

3. Objectives of the stage

4.Curricular elements of the subject

5. Methodology

6. Learning situations and activities

7.Spaces,groupings and resources

8.Evaluation and assessment

9.Inclusive Education

10. Complementary aspects11. Learning situations

syllabus programming

2 Exit profile

1.Introduction1.1 Rationale1.2 Legal framework1.3 Contextualization

1.1 This document presents a model of a syllabus for the subject of Foreign Language: English during 3rd year of Compulsory Secondary Education. The Learning Situation is intended to plan the teaching work in an effective and motivating way to organize and encourage student’s learning process. 1.2 Decrees: 175/2022 of 27th September 2022 LOMLOE;102/2010, 3rd August autonomy of educational centres; 150/2017, 17 October inclusive educational system Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) Guidelines for the evaluation of the digital competence of students in CSE Educational project (“PEC”) & Language Project promote digital competence and plurilingual competences and this is why digital competences are a priority in all tasks. 1.3 Context: average socioeconomic level, parents with university studIes, they collaborate with the centre, high school and households have full equipment of electronic devices and interest in STEAM. 28 students: 19 good school performance, 7 passive attitude and 2 Individual Education Plans (dyslexia & ADHD hyperactivity)

2.Exit profile2.1 Key competences2.2 Operational descriptors

3.Objectives of the stage

4.Curricular elements of the subject4.1 Specific competences4.2 Basic Knowledge4.3 Assessment criteria

5.Methodology5.1 General didactics5.2 Methodological models

6. Learning situations and activities6.1 Learning situations6.2 Activities

7 Spaces, groupings and resources

8 Evaluation and assessment 8.1 Learning evaluation8.2 Teaching evaluation

9 Inclusive education

10 Complementary aspects10.1 Transversal treatment10.2 Reading plan10.3 Complementary and extracurricular activities

11 Didactic units11.1 Temporal distribution11.2 Sequencing of didactic units

12. Bibliography and webgraphy