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Microsoft Excel 2019/365 Essentials



What tools are available in the "Get and Transform Data" group on the Data tab in Excel?

question 1 of 14

Tools for sorting and filtering data

Tools for connecting to live data sources and transforming data

Tools for forecasting trends in data



In Excel 365, what is the purpose of the "Analysis" section in the "Home" tab's ribbon, and what does it provide?

question 2 of 14

Gives you ideas for analysing your data; It suggests ways to visualise your data effectively.

Offers advanced charting options; It provides tools for data encryption.

Calculates mathematical equations; It provides options for page layout.



What type of information can be found in the "Info" option page in the backstage view of Excel?

question 3 of 14

Properties about the workbook, related dates, and options for protecting the workbook

Data analysis tools, formula functions, and formatting options

Chart customization and data visualization settings



When you click "Save" for the first time in an unsaved Excel workbook, what happens, and how does "Save As" differ from "Save"?

question 4 of 14

"Save" immediately closes the workbook; "Save As" allows you to rename the workbook.

"Save" opens a new worksheet; "Save As" creates a copy of the workbook.

"Save" saves the workbook without any further options; "Save As" lets you choose a location and name for the workbook.



How do you manually input data in Excel, and what does the status bar show when you're ready?

question 5 of 14

Double-click a cell; Status: "Ready" to enter.

Open formula bar; Status: "Editing."

Type in a cell; Status: "Enter" for data, "Edit" for editing.



How to search for text or numbers in Excel, and what tool is employed?

question 6 of14

Manual scrolling only; No specific search tool.

Use "Sort" function; Scan the worksheet manually.

Use "Find & Select" tool; Input and find with "Find Next.".



How do you add a column to an Excel table, and what happens to existing columns?

question 7 of14

Delete a column first; Existing columns shift right.

Right-click, choose "Insert"; Existing columns shift left.

No column insertion; Only row addition.


Of course, you are right!

What happens when you hide a column or row in Excel, and how can you unhide it?

question 8 of 14

Completely deletes it; You can only unhide it by re-entering the data.

Makes it invisible but still present; To unhide, you can right-click and choose "Unhide."

Makes it read-only; To unhide, you must select both sides and choose "Unhide."



What is Excel's Auto Fill, and how do you swiftly fill a column with it?

question 9 of 14

Auto Fill applies number formats; Select cells, click Auto Fill in Number group.

Auto Fill searches data; Enter keywords, click Auto Fill.

Auto Fill populates data; Grab Fill Handle, drag to fill series or pattern.



Which formatting style in Excel adds a dollar sign, commas, and decimal places to numbers?

question 10 of 14






What function is used in Excel to automatically add a range of numbers, and where can you find the AutoSum feature?

question 11 of 14

"SUM", and you can find AutoSum in the Editing section of the Home tab.

"AutoAdd," and it's in the Formulas tab.

"SumTotal," and it's in the Insert tab.



How does Excel's AutoFill interact with formulas, and what occurs when you drag the Fill Handle for a series?

question 12 of 14

AutoFill works only with numbers; No formula support.

AutoFill with formulas calculates results; Dragging copies and adjusts formulas.

AutoFill for one cell only; No formula capability.



What is the purpose of clicking the "Save" icon in Excel's Quick Access Toolbar when you haven't saved a workbook before?

question 13 of 14

It opens the workbook.

It saves the workbook with its existing name.

It opens the Save As menu.



Which Excel file format is the default version for Excel 2007 and later?

question 14 of 14





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¡Oh, no!Missed a few on : Entering and Editing DataNo worries! Want to try the quiz again or review the lesson?

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¡Oh, no!Missed a few on : Inserting Rows and ColumnsNo worries! Want to try the quiz again or review the lesson?

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¡Oh, no!Missed a few on : Hiding and Unhiding Columns or RowsNo worries! Want to try the quiz again or review the lesson?

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¡Oh, no!Missed a few on : Using Autofill and the Fill Handle.No worries! Want to try the quiz again or review the lesson?

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¡Oh, no!Missed a few on : Number, Currency, and Accounting Formats.No worries! Want to try the quiz again or review the lesson?

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¡Oh, no!Missed a few on : Working with AutoSum. No worries! Want to try the quiz again or review the lesson?

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¡Oh, no!Missed a few on : Using Auto Fill with Formulas.No worries! Want to try the quiz again or review the lesson?

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¡Oh, no!Missed a few on : Using Save and Save As.No worries! Want to try the quiz again or review the lesson?

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¡Oh, no!Missed a few on : Working with File Formats.No worries! Want to try the quiz again or review the lesson?

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