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The Tepidarium The tepidarium was the warm bathroom of the Roman baths and it was heated by a hypocaust or underfloor heating system. The tepidarium was the room between the caldarium and frigidarium and offered low or medium humidity which was similar to the normal body temperature. This is so going into the hot or cold room wasn’t too much of a shock for the body! Going into the tepidarium for an hour soothed the body, mind and soul and helped the people to handle everyday stress.

The Caldarium The caldarium was a hot, ceramic-tiled room which was heated to temperatures of 40-50 degrees. A caldarium was used as preparation for a sauna was was suitable for older people and children. It was also suitable for people with circulatory problems. The people in the caldarium would feel the heat from the heated walls, benches and floors which were heated with a hypocause the same as the tepidarium.

The Frigidarium The frigidarium was the coldest experience at the bath house. It held a small pool of cold water or sometimes a large swimming pool for exercising. This pool was completely unheated and had water pumped in from the aqueducts. This fresh water was often extremely cold and sometimes kept even colder with snow! The frigidarium was the most visually impressive room featuring high vaulted ceilings.

Roman Baths

Surprisingly, the Romans took pride in keeping themselves clean and healthy. In order to do this, they built baths and spas and every town had its own public bath for the citizens to use and enjoy. People often visited the baths to relax or even socialise with their friends!For the average Roman, going to the bathing facilities meant so much more than just cleansing the body. It was believed that some baths had special healing powers and others were so big that they were home to snack bars, games rooms and even libraries!