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  • points
  • topics for the monologue
  • grammar review
  • word-formation review
  • letter-writing
  • my letters

Roma OGE 2024


Daily Routine


Modern Technology


Health Issues

My friend

Summer Holidays

Career choice


City Life vs Country Life


My school

My Hometown

the Internet


Learning English



Topics for the oral part of OGE

Environmental problems

Grammar Review (max 9 points)

Word-Formation Review (max 6 points)

Letter Writing (max 10 points)



My Friend


the Internet

Environmental problems

My Hometown

My Letters

You are going to give a talk about animals. Say:

  • what your favourite animal is, and why;
  • what people should do to protect endagered animals;
  • whether there is a zoo in your hometown;
  • what your attitude to keeping animals in the zoo is.
  • And now I want to give a talk about animals.
To begin with, animals are an important part of our life. Some animals can be our best friends, others can help us on a farm and so on. I love almost all the animals, but my favourite ones are a dog and a cat. They are the friendliest and cutest animals for me, and they can be good friends to a human. A huge problem is that we have a lot of endangered animals like a panda or a rhino and many others. It’s because we have poachers and global warming. In my personal opinion, people should build nature reserves for protection them from poachers and for other reasons. On the one hand, I think, that Zoo is a good idea for people, because not everyone can see wild animals in their natural habitat. On the other hand, keeping animals at the Zoo is not good because they should be free. To conclude, I think everyone should do their best to protect animals.

You are going to give a talk about learning English. Say:

  • how long have you been learning English;
  • what you do in your English lessons;
  • what you use English out of the classroom for:
  • what your attitude to learning foreign languages is.
And now I want to give a talk about learning English. English is a very difficult language for me and many other people, but it’s my favourite one. To my mind, I started learning English in second or third grade and I really enjoyed it. I have been learning English for more than 5 years. During our lessons we usually read texts, learn new words and grammar rules. In our life we often face English, because it’s a very popular language in the world. So, I use English out of the classroom many times during the week. In my opinion, the best feeling that you can feel is when you understand all the words that you hear or see. Sometimes it`s very useful. To conclude, my attitude to learning foreign languages is really good. If you know any other foreign language, then you can go abroad and talk to foreigners. Its amazing.

You are going to give a talk about your modern technology. Remember to say:

  • how new electronic gadgets have changed our lives;
  • what the most useful gadget is in your view and why;
  • whether there are any drawbacks of suing modern gadgets;
  • what your attitude to gadgets is.
And now I want to give a talk about modern gadgets, as it`s an interesting topic to discuss. To begin with, technology has a significant impact on society. Modern gadgets influence the way people live, work and communicate. Nowadays people can’t imagine their lives without computers, laptops, mobile phones, fax machines, or digital tape recorders, scanners at work. Besides, people can use different household appliances at home. For example, dishwashers, TV sets, vacuum cleaners, microwave -ovens and cookers. In my opinion, modern gadgets have changed our lives greatly because they help us to complete our tasks faster and more efficiently. Some of them, such as a mobile phone with the Internet help us stay in constant touch with our friends and even work from home. I can surf the Net, chat with my friends and read news about current events. Moreover, I can take photos and share them with my friends in social networks. However, I should say, that modern technology also has some drawbacks. For example, I can’t do without my mobile phone, because it has become an inseparable part of my life and the main source of communication with the world.To conclude, I’d like to say that modern gadgets are very important for us, because they make our life easier and save our time and efforts. That’s all I wanted to say.

You are going to give a talk about sports You will have speak for not more than 2 minutes (12-16 sentences). You have to talk continuously. Remember to say:

  • why more and more people do sports nowadays;
  • what sports are popular with you and your family;
  • what do do to be healthy and fit;
  • what your attitude to doing sports is.
And now I want to give a talk about sports. Nowadays, sports is a very important part of our life, because staying healthy and in shape is truly essential for us. There are two types of people. Someone does sports for the sake of health, and other people like the sports itself. The second type likes to do this and to constantly observe changes in their bodies. In my personal opinion, this builds on the fact that doing sports is popular nowadays. As for my friends and me, we are interested in volleyball, boxing, athletics and football. These are the most active kinds of sports for us. Besides all this, I do regular sports. I work out with dumbbells and do cardio 3 times a week. In addition, I sometimes go out for a run, because it helps me to be more resilient. I like going in for sports, because it supports my health. In conclusion, my attitude towards sports is very positive. Sports makes people's lives happier and healthier.

You are going to give a talk about your health issues. Remember to say:

  • what you do to keep fit and healthy;
  • what foods are good for you;
  • whether you go for a check-up at the doctor`s regularly and why it is important;
  • what your attitude to fast food is.
And now I want to give a talk about health issues, as it's an essential topic to discuss. To begin with, sports is an important part of our health and plays a large role in many people’s lives, because you can upgrade your body and health with it. As for me, I also do sports 3 times a week to be healthy, jog on Monday mornings with my friends, and try to eat healthy food, but sometimes I can afford eating something that I want. I believe it’s very important to go for a check –up at the doctors regularly. Many diseases can be detected in their early stages before they create some real troubles. I have regular doctor check-ups at school. In conclusion, I’d like to say that I don’t eat fast food many times a week. It is high in calories. So, if you often eat hamburgers and you can easily become obese. Obesity can lead to other diseases such as diabetes and heart strokes.

You are going to give a talk about daily routine. Remember to say:

  • what your weekday mornings are like;
  • how many lessons you usually have;
  • whether your weekday afternoons are busy and why;
  • what you would like to change in your daily routine.
And now I want to give a talk about my daily routine. Daily routine is a very important part of our lives. A good routine helps us to be productive and avoid bad habits. My typical school day starts at 8 a.m. and it's quite tiresome. Firstly, it's very hard to wake up in the morning. I sometimes have to drink a cup of coffee, and then I go to school. Secondly, I normally have 6 lessons per day. I study a lot because I want to have good grades. English, Biology and Chemistry are my main focus. These subjects are useful for my future career, that's why I spend my busy weekday afternoons doing my homework and preparing for my exams. Unfortunately, the more I sit, the more my back hurts. I want to change it in the future. And that's why I think it's necessary to have more time for physical activities and good sleep. In conclusion, I want to say that better health is a result of just a little extra planning. It's especially important in these stressful and turbulent times. That's all I wanted to say about my daily routine.

You are going to give a talk about career choice. Remember to say:

  • what jobs are popular with modern teenagers;
  • what job you dreamed in your childhood and why;
  • what can help you to make career choice
  • what your attitude to freelance job is.
And now I want to give a talk about career choice. To begin with, everyone needs a job, because you need to earn money, but there are a lot of jobs. The question is, what you should choose. All the teenagers want their own pocket money, so they can make it at rather young age. Some popular teenagers` jobs are a waiter, a courier, a gardener and also many other great jobs. So I think it's very good, because you can earn money for your wishes. In my childhood I dreamed of being a postman, because in those time I liked parcels very much. But I didn’t know that it’s a low-paid job. To my mind, the person who can help you to choose your profession is a parent or a teacher, because they are adults and have a great experience. However, you can also choose it yourself. Besides that, you can work as a freelancer. You work when you want and where you want. I think it’s the best choice, at least for me, because I can travel and work. To conclude, job is very important part of our life. If you don’t find a job that you like it will be very sad, because you will work in this position a long period of your life.

You are going to give a talk about your friend. Remember to say:

  • why most people nedd friend;
  • where and when you met your best friend;
  • what you value in your friend most of all;
  • what your attitude to friendship is.
And now I want to give a talk about friendship. To begin with, I believe that everybody needs friends and if we can call one of them the best friend, it’s even better. We need friends to comfort us when we are sad. A friend is the one who won't leave you alone with all your problems, will cheer you up, give you a good piece of advice and always help you. Also, friends usually share our interests and we spend our free time together. My best friend’s name is Ivan. I value that he is a very helpful, intelligent and caring person. I met him at school many years ago. We are in the same grade and always have fun. We spend a lot of time together at school, and also walk together after lessons and on weekends. We’ve got a lot of common interests. Firstly, we’re interested in sports and often play football, volleyball and tennis together. Secondly, we both paint and draw well and love spending time drawing. To conclude, I think it’s obvious that friendship is one of the most important things in our life. I advise you to find your best friend. You won't regret it.

You are going to give a talk about living in the city or in the country. Remember to say:

  • whether you live in the city and in the country;
  • what advantages of living in the city are;
  • why some people want to live in the country, far away from the city;
  • where you would like to live if you could move house.
And now I would like to compare life in a city and in the country. To begin with, I live in the country, but in the past, I used to live in a city. That's is why, I can say a few words about advantages and disadvantages of both. The first idea that I should say, when you live in a city, you have a lot of ecological problems. One of them is air pollution which is caused by urban factories and cars. For me it’s very sad, because I take care of my health and this is harmful for it. That’s why I would rather live in the country than in a city. In the country I'm not concerned about it, because in the country the air is always cleaner. However, I should say about advantages of city life as well. As we know, in a city there are much more people than in the country. So, you can get more communication. Because of big population, there are more job facilities. This is a positive sign for many citizens. I could continue speaking about advantages of a city but there can be someone who is fond of a city, and loves peaceful quiet nature of the country at the same time. To conclude I would like to stay in the country for some time, and then would go to a city, because I love communication and I need a good job. Life in the country and in a city has their own pros and cons, depending on your preferences.

You are going to give a talk about transport. Remember to say:

  • what means of public transport are most popular in your hometown;
  • what environmental problems caused by cars exist in your hometown;
  • whether there are any facilities for bike riders in your hometown;
  • what your attitude to the idea if using public transport isntead of private cars is.
And now I want to give a talk about transport, as it’s an interesting topic to discuss. Using public transport is very convenient. However, it can cause some environmental problems. I think that the most popular means of public transport in our city is the underground. It is faster than any other public transport. It is also more comfortable than say, buses or trolleybuses. As far as I know, the biggest environmental problem is air pollution which is caused by cars. There are a lot of cars in our city. They produce a lot of unhealthy smog. Sometimes when you are walking along the street it’s hard to breath because of car fumes. I guess, bicycles are getting more and more popular in our city. The city government is going to make a cycling lane, although not all the car drivers like it. In my personal opinion, there are too many private cars in the streets nowadays. There is also a big problem with parking places. So I think, that using public transport instead is a really good idea.To conclude, I think, bicycles are not as popular here as say, in Europe but I hope that soon they will reach the same popularity. That’s all I wanted to say.

You are going to give a talk about your hometown. Say:

  • what your hometown is like;
  • what is it famous for;what place in your hometown you like most and why;
  • what your attitude to your hometown is.
And now I am going to give a talk about Rostov, the place where I live. It is quite a big city, which is located in the south-eastern part of Russia. To my mind, Rostov is a very nice place to live. Firstly, there are 3 beautiful parks, where people can have a rest. Moreover, there is great Zoo for kids and their parents. Secondly, there is also the Rostov cinema, which I like very much. I often like watching good films with my friends there at the weekends. And finally, in Rostov we have a football pitch, which is my favourite place to visit. Living here, I feel very comfortable and happy. In conclusion, there are many places in Rostov that you can visit. I advise you to come here.

You are going to give a talk about your radio. Remember to say:

  • why in the era of TV and the Internet, radio is still popular with some people;
  • what kinds of radio programmes young people usually listen to;
  • whether you would like to work for a radio station; why/why not;
  • what your attitude to radio is.
And now I want to give a talk about radio, as it’s an interesting topic to discuss. To begin with, there are a lot of radio stations in the world. Some radio stations specialize on political affairs, news and information. Others prefer talk format or even theatrical plays. However, the majority of radio stations play different kinds of music, for example, pop, jazz, rock and so on. To my mind, most of young people prefer listening to the music. As for me, I sometimes listen to different informational podcasts and I like some radio hosts. If someone asked me whether I would like to work for a radio station, I would answer why not. In my opinion, it’s a very interesting job, because you can interview a lot of famous politicians and celebrities. To conclude, even in the era of TV and computers, radio has remained an important source of entertainment and information.

You are going to give a talk about summer holidays. Remember to say:

  • which you prefer: summer holidays in the city or in the country;
  • what your perfect summer holidays would be like;
  • what can spoil your summer holidays;
  • what your attitude to summer holidays is.
And now i want to give a talk about summer holidays. To begin with, pupils have holidays four times a year. Summer holidays are the most expected, because they are the longest of all. Some pupils spend their holidays in a city and someone in the country. As for me, I prefer spending my summer holidays in the country. In the country the summer time is spent rather better, because the air is cleaner and the sun is brighter. For me, perfect holidays are when you live in the country, walk with friends, and swim in the lake. I enjoy it very much. I think that on holidays you can relax and not do what you don't want to do, but sometimes my relaxation may be ruined by work or studies. It spoils my holidays, but, in the end, I understand that it’s necessary for me. To conclude, my attitude to summer holidays is extremely positive. I can't wait for my next summer holidays.

You are going to give a talk about the Internet. You will have speak for not more than 2 minutes (12-16 sentences). You have to talk continuously. Remember to say:

  • whether you can imagine modern life without the Internet; why / why not;
  • what you and your friends use the Internet for;
  • how the Internet can help you in your studies;
  • what your attitude to the Internet is.
I am going to give a talk about the Internet as it is an interesting topic to discuss. To begin with, I have to say that it is impossible to imagine our modern life without the Internet. Nowadays people of different professions use the Internet for work and for other purposes. It is also very popular among teenagers as it is the fastest and the most convenient way of communication. First, we can chat online and exchange photos and videos. Secondly, we can use it for entertainment and watch films online. As for educational opportunities, it helps us to keep in touch with our classmates and teachers. Students can find all the necessary information online, and, as a result, save their time for other activities. I find it rather useful. As for me, I also use the Internet to get ready for my final exams. To conclude, I am sure that the Internet has changed our life for the better. To become less addicted to it, we should stay active and spend less time long surfing the Internet.

You are going to give a talk about travelling. Say:

  • what means of transport people use for travelling;
  • what people usually do when they visit a new place;
  • what place you would like to visit one day;
  • what your attitude to travelling is.
And now I am going to give a talk about travelling because it is a very interesting topic to discuss. When people travel, they you can see the whole world with their own eyes. Firstly, they can study traditions and culture of different countries. Secondly, it`s a good chance to make new friends and share positive emotions. Moreover, when you travel, you have an opportunity to taste unusual dishes from different cuisines. In addition, I can say, that travelling can help you to practice speaking foreign languages. There are a lot of ways to travel: by train, by bus and so on. It seems to me that an aircraft is the best one for travelling, because it can cover bigger distance. It can save your time when you travel far. As for me, I love airports, planes and I’m absolutely not afraid of flying. In general, my attitude to travelling is positive. I would like to visit a lot of countries and cities. Maybe, one day, if I had a chance, I would travel to…………….. . It is my dream. I think, that`s all I wanted to say.

You are going to give a talk about films. Say:

  • what kind if films you enjoy watching;
  • whether books are better than films or not, why;
  • what film you have watched recently, and what type it was, what about;
  • what your attitude to films is.
And now I am going to give a talk about films. To begin with, films can be an exciting part of your entertainment. Also, a good film can help when you have a bad mood. As for me, all kinds of films are good, but my favourite one is a phantasy. Besides that, I sometimes like reading a good phantasy book. On the one hand, books are better because you can see characters in your imagination. On the other hand, films have got a ready-made view. For instance, I have recently watched a very interesting film “Harry Potter”, which it also a series of phantasy books. It is about a boy named Harry who lives with his foster family and later becomes a great magician. To conclude, I think that everyone should choose their own option: a book or a film, depending on their preferences.

You are going to give a talk about environmental problems. Say:

  • why it is important to protect the environment;
  • what the most serious environmental problem is in the place where you live;
  • what you and your classmates can do to protect the environment;
  • what your attitude to the idea of prohibiting plastic packaging is.
And now I want to give a talk about ecological problems. Unfortunately, in our days, we have a lot of ecological problems. Firstly, we have the melting glaciers, which leads to rising ocean levels. We also have a problem with excess garbage. Ecological problems are so terrible, because they destroy our planet. So if they hurt our planet, they hurt us. As for the melting of glaciers, the reason is the global warming. Besides that, we have a got a huge problem with excess garbage, it’s because a lot of people throw litter where it is not supposed to. Sadly, we can`t solve the problem with the melting glaciers, but we can solve the problem with litter. To conclude, I think everyone should protect our planet, so that there will be less ecological problems in the future.

You are going to give a talk about your school. You will have speak for not more than 2 minutes (12-16 sentences). You have to talk continuously. Remember to say:

  • what facts about your school you know;
  • what sports facilities your school offers to the students;
  • which school day is the most difficult for you and why;
  • what your attitude to school is.
And now I am going to give a talk about my school, the place where I spend most time of my life. I guess, that one of the most interesting facts about my school is that it always organizes a lot of different interesting competitions for the students. For example, we take part in different region Olympiads in Maths, Physics and so on. As for sports, we also participate in different events. My school provides us with different sports facilities. Firstly, we have a gym where we always do our PE lessons. Secondly, we have a football pitch and a running track where we can play and practice outdoors. Moreover, I also attend our school volleyball club two times a week. The most difficult day for me is Thursday, because I have a lot of lessons at school. In general, my attitude to my school is absolutely positive, because my school gives me opportunities for my comfortable studying. Besides that, I have made new friends with whom I can chat and have a lot of fun. To conclude, I think that school is my second home. I have a lot of good friends and also I get a lot of useful information at school. That’s all I wated to say.

You are going to give a talk about hobbies. Remember to say:

  • why most people have hobbies;
  • what hobbies are the most popular with your friends
  • whether you have a hobby or not;
  • what your attitude to people whose hobby is learning new languages is.
And now I want to give a talk about hobbies, because it's very interesting topic to discuss. To begin with, hobbies are an important part our life, because they make it happier. To my mind, hobbies are very useful because we relax when we do something, that we like. For example, most of my friends have a lot of hobbies. Some of them do their hobbies indoors, and others prefer outdoors. The most active friends love sports like football and volleyball. For those, who are lazy, there are less active hobbies like collecting, board games, reading and so on. Also I have friends, who learn foreign languages. I think it’s very useful and great for your life and for your brain, because it develops your mind and you can travel. As for me, I prefer both types of hobbies (indoors and outdoors), because sometimes, when the weather is bad, I can stay at home and do something that I like. I think that, hobby is a great opportunity for those, who want to get rid of stress. To conclude, everyone should choose their own hobby, depending on their preferences.