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'Ageism can be described as negative or positive stereotypes, prejudice and/or discrimination against (or to the benefit of) aging people because of their chronological age... Although ageism also can be aimed at younger age group'

(Iversen et al., 2009)

Surveyed 1,400 people

'Not enough experince'

3/4 of 25-34 year olds say they are considered too young

what about younger people?

More than 50% of under 18's feel as though they aren't taken seriously

Relevant Statistics for ageism

over 36%

more than a third of 50-69 year-olds feel at a disadvantage applying for jobs due to their age

1 million

the number of people in work aged over 65 expected to rise by one million by 2030.

40% +

More than 40% of workers over the age of 40 say they've experienced age discrimination at work in the last three years,

Own experiences witnessing ageism

"I exhibited ‘too much ambition’ in the eyes of my superiors" ..."What does a 23-year-old know about these things?’”

Younger people are seen as inexperienced and are less capable of carrying out the expectations of the job '

Ageism is displayed differently depending on the age group

what about younger people?

A workplace hierarchy?

Question Time!

Question Time!


It is clear from our research and studies looking at a variety of articles that ageism affects people throughout their lives. Whether it affects older or younger people is hard to determine as, considering our findings, they seem to be equally affected by age discrimination but in different ways.Younger people seem to be discriminated against in the sense that they are too young to have certain skills or knowledge, whereas older people seem to be discriminated against in the sense that they are "too old to be useful".

How does ageism actually affect people?


What do we know?

Ageism affects people of all ages from young to old

Age discrimination is not acknowledged enough by media platforms, workplaces and people in general as well as the fact that many individuals who experience it, don't speak up as nothing is done to make a change. Even the few that have chosen to address this isn't enough to completely eradicate ageism

Although there are some news platforms that have addressed the issue of ageism, they focus mainly on the side of age discrimination that affects elderly employees in comparison to how it also affect younger employees too.Our case study has managed to loon at both sides of this by considering how ageism affects people overall How would you make a change to help reduce ageism?

IIversen, T. N., Larsen, L., & Solem, P. E. (2009). A conceptual analysis of ageism. Nordic psychology, 61(3), 4-22. https://doi.org/10.1027/1901-2276.61.3.4https://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/employment-age-discrimination-recruitment-skills-gap-workforce-over-50s-a7865696.htmlhttps://youtu.be/5vIrL7fiNgw?si=_cYRVvn74f8Gw4inhttps://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/22776/html/#:~:text=%5B13%5D%20Of%20all%20over%2D,third%20(29%25)%20don'thttps://www.fenews.co.uk/work-leadership/supporting-an-aging-workforce-in-2023-as-36-of-over-50s-in-uk-report-age-discrimination-at-work/https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20210730-the-acute-ageism-problem-hurting-young-workershttps://youtu.be/Prc9S0W24P4?si=CJG0WpnhitYkt5Jk


The domino effect is that older people may feel they cannot exercise their rights or speak out to report abuse.

“Ageism refers to the stereotypes (how we think), prejudice (how we feel) and discrimination (how we act) directed towards people on the basis of their age.”

Discrimination is a judgement that uses all the basic functions of humans

“Ageism is the least-challenged and understood form of discrimination"

Not seen as socially important

The privilege of being 'the right age'

over-50s in the UK report ageism in the workplace

over 36%

With up to four generations working alongside each other, organisations must ensure that their workplaces are inclusive, avoiding individual, interpersonal, and organisational harm.

Multiple studies have linked age-based discrimination to negative beliefs and assumptions. Younger employees can be perceived as lazy, less reliable, less conscientious, less organised, selfish and poorly motivated simply because of their ageAlthough it is possible that some co-workers and managers might assume that older colleagues are less competent or less productive, this is often a false belief. In physically demanding roles, ergonomic adjustments and technological solutions can maintain the productivity of older employees

'73 per cent said that they think employers aren’t doing enough to tap into their knowledge and skills'

Only 23% state they are making an effort to hire them

94% of organisations think their skills could be beneficial

Over 1,000 aged 55+ were questioned

Young people are favoured

17% lost promotion