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CTSS Module 4 DBAEscape Room

Embrace the climb, for the summit rewards the journey's resilience and determination



Please click on the video below for some inspiration from Mawi to get you started.

Congratulations! You completed the course. Now let's get out of this escape room and get the code for the final exam!!

Growth mindset or fixed?

Watch the videos below and decide if it shows a growth mindset or filxed.


Test 1

You are about to get it:lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit?


Test 3








Summay Strategies

Drawing Strategy

Name your strategy

Rank and describe how to use the following study skills

What Marcen should do to help himself do better in school is to arrive to school everyday and try the best he can. If not putting in the effort to do his best, he will not achieve the best and learn how to do better. If he doesn't put in the effort, the answers would never show and no improvement would be made. This effort should be consistent and he should be able to do this everyday for the rest of his life. Second, he should turn in every assignment he is assigned. Doing so would make his grades higher if he achieves a well enough grade. Assignments probably take in most of the grade as we have homework and class work to do. Doing these assignments would definietely impact his grade and see an improvement. But of cource, effort is needed for this task. Lastly is to be respectful and have good manners during school and inside the classrooms. This would let other students and even the teacher to like you, giving you a higher motivation to do better in school. This will allow others to help you and you will also be able to help them.

Instant Zone or Lasting Zone?Slide the activity to the correct column


Nighttime Sleep

Video gaming


Family Dinner

Fast Food


Instant Zone

Lasting Zone


Drag the activity to the corresponding group


Lasting Zone

2. Sleep (night)

3. Homework


4. Instagram

5. Family Dinner


1. Video Gaming

6. Fast Food

7. Exercise

8. Napping

Choose a video to watch and get ready to discuss growth mindset

Directions for activity # 7. Create your own podcast!!!

  1. On the next slide please use the audio button to record your podcast comparing and contrasting the characteristics and outcomes of individuals with a growth mindset and those with a fixed mindset. Please consider the previously watched videos.
  2. Provide detailed examples and evidence from real-world scenarios to support your analysis, and discuss how fostering a growth mindset can positively impact personal development.

Reflection: Create a Podcast

Click on the link to create your very own podcast discussing the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset. How does having grit go along with having a growth mindset?

Now: Complete the Compare and Contrast activity

Growth Mindset Fixed Mindset

One way to do something

I can do anything if I work hard enough

We just aren't good at that

Failure is part of the proccess

My intelligence is fixed

My brain grows with effort


Confirm your understanding about what happens in the brain when we try

Now use the pencil tool in the upper right to show your understanding of what happens in your brain when you struggle



Congratulations, you have successfully completed the escape room!

Start over?

Now Please write a few things we discussed and today's date in the student comment section. I will text you the password for the exam!!!





You're almost there, press play!Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit?

Respuesta correcta

Respuesta incorrecta

Respuesta incorrecta

Respuesta incorrecta

Correct answer

Wrong answer

Wrong answer

Wrong answer

Test 5


Well done!Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit?

Correct answer

Wrong answer

Wrong answer

Test 5

Test 1

Test 2

Test 3

Test 4

Test 5

Final Test


Complete each test to beat the game: there is no other way to escape!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, mauris suspendisse praesent nascetur massa molestie est magna, luctus lacinia nunc ridiculus netus nostra. Dictum accumsan sollicitudin praesent morbi sem mollis quis neque volutpat.




Drag and complete the series correctlylorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit

Serie 1

Serie 2

Test 4

Surely you know the answer to this question:Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit?


Write the wrong option hereLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing

Write the correct option hereLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing

Write the wrong option hereLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing

Test 6



False ✓

Pay attention to this image:Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit?

Test 6


Trust your ear for the final question:Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet?

Respuesta correcta

Respuesta incorrecta

Respuesta incorrecta

Respuesta incorrecta

Right answer

Wrong answer

Wrong answer

Wrong answer

Test 6


That answer is not correct...

But don't lose your balance, continue on your way and try again!

Oh oh!


Test 3

Instant Zone


Lasting Zone