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Social-Emotional Learning

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Social-Emotional Learning

Melissa R. Jackson American College of Education CI5513 Dr. Anna Tsambis November 26, 2023

Parent Activities


Teaching Process

Social Skills

Program Introduction


Skillstreaming is an evidenced-based social-emotional learning program that improves children's and adolescents' skills. Using a four-part teaching program, students will learn the appropriate skills to meet their social needs. (Skillstreaming, n.d.)


(Skillstreaming, n.d.)

School-Related Skills

Understanding Emotions

Social Skills

Problem Solving


Social Competence

Relationship Skills

# 3 & 4 ahead

1. Modeling- Instruction is guided by teachers or school counselors. They will demonstrate to the students appropriate behaviors and expectations. Teacher’s manual, skill cards, student workbooks, posters and reproducibles are available in each teaching kit. (Skillstreaming, n.d.)2. Role-playing- To practice the learned social skills, students will role-play situations with their peers and teachers. (Skillstreaming, n.d.)“Role-plays are an excellent way to build practice and one-on-one feedback into our SEL pedagogy, and they are so fun that they usually help with motivation as well. Role-plays have many of the same benefits as other integrated arts and/or modal learning approaches: They help students process new information, deepen their understanding, and synthesize complex ideas quickly” (Stuart Valdez, 2017, para 1 & 2).

4 Part TEaching Process


3. Performance Feedback- Teachers give immediate feedback to students explaining what they did correctly, skills they need to improve on, and tools to help the students. Through positive feedback the students will know how to practice and improve their skills the next time they come across a similar situation. (Skillstreaming, n.d.)4. Generalize- With practice and feedback the students will be able to generailze their learned social skills not only in the classroom, but across multiple setting such as at home, and in the community. (Skillstreaming, n.d.)“The most compelling case for teaching metacognitive strategies is the generalization of skills across settings, context, and content” (Holder et al., 2008, p. 207).

4 Part TEaching Process

Kindness Share Discuss ways to be kind to others. This could be a small deed, a compliment, or written notes. Pick one each day and have child think of who they would like to direct the kindness to and act upon it. At the end of the day discuss how that made them feel. Discuss how they think the other person felt or how they would feel if the kindness was directed towards them. (10+ Social Emotional Activities for Home - the Pathway 2 Success, 2020)

Good Thing/ Bad Thing While sitting around or at the dinner table, have children verbalize one good thing that happened in their day and one bad thing. Discuss in both situations who was there, where it happened, and how it made others feel. For the bad situation, ask how the child handled the situation. Praise and/or add tools to your child’s mind that could help in the next situation.

Optical Illusion Print or look at optical illusions online. Have children communicate or write down what they see and compare with others. Verbalize the differences they see and how that may happen in social situations. Give examples of times that things were seen differently and how the situations were handled. (10+ Social Emotional Activities for Home - the Pathway 2 Success, 2020)

PArent ACtivities

10+ Social Emotional Activities for Home - The Pathway 2 Success. (2020, March 13). Pathway to Success. https://www.thepathway2success.com/10-sel-activities-for-home/Holder, C., Whetstone, P., & Sheinker, J. (2008). When Research Meets Practice: Using Metacognitive Strategies to Teach Social Skills. The International Journal of Learning: Annual Review, 15(8), 205–212. https://doi.org/10.18848/1447-9494/cgp/v15i08/45902 McGinnis, E. (n.d.). Skillstreaming in the Elementary School. Research Press. Retrieved November 15, 2023, from https://www.researchpress.com/product/skillstreaming-elementary-school/ Skillstreaming. (n.d.). Skillstreaming. https://skillstreaming.com/Stuart Valdez, K. (2017, March 17). Role-Play as an SEL Teaching Tool. Edutopia. https://www.edutopia.org/blog/role-play-sel-teaching-tool-kristin-stuart-valdes#:~:text=In%20addition%20to%20being%20aligned


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer odio turpis, varius vitae tempor vel, venenatis vel lectus. Donec molestie, nisi in rhoncus faucibus, nibh dui elementum purus, at efficitur elit magna convallis mauris. Cras nec faucibus leo. Ut vehicula maximus nisl, vitae luctus neque volutpat et. Vivamus vulputate consequat magna, hendrerit consectetur erat suscipit vitae.

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Morbi a dui vel nisi dictum varius. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. In at cursus orci, non aliquam leo. Aliquam felis neque, tempor ut elit sit amet, malesuada gravida nisl. Praesent id sapien elit.Phasellus facilisis metus eget ipsum lobortis maximus. Vivamus libero purus, ultrices quis metus at, ullamcorper facilisis est. Nulla nisi purus, lobortis nec tristique a, porttitor eget mi.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer odio turpis, varius vitae tempor vel, venenatis vel lectus. Donec molestie, nisi in rhoncus faucibus, nibh dui elementum purus, at efficitur elit magna convallis mauris. Cras nec faucibus leo. Sed ac justo ac felis bibendum tempor ac ac leo. Ut vehicula maximus nisl, vitae luctus neque volutpat et. Nulla neque urna, maximus a tellus quis, euismod elementum mi. Phasellus at viverra risus. Vivamus vulputate consequat magna, hendrerit consectetur erat suscipit vitae.

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Phasellus at viverra risus. Vivamus vulputate consequat.

Phasellus at viverra risus. Vivamus vulputate consequat.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer odio turpis, varius vitae tempor vel, venenatis vel lectus. Donec molestie, nisi in rhoncus faucibus, nibh dui elementum purus, at efficitur elit magna convallis mauris. Sed ac justo ac felis bibendum tempor ac ac leo. Ut vehicula maximus nisl, vitae luctus neque volutpat et. Phasellus at viverra risus. Vivamus vulputate consequat magna, hendrerit consectetur erat suscipit vitae.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer odio turpis, varius vitae tempor vel, venenatis vel lectus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer odio turpis, varius vitae tempor vel, venenatis vel lectus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer odio turpis, varius vitae tempor vel, venenatis vel lectus.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

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