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Assignment 2: Analysis and Scoping






Personas are fictional profiles which aid the creation of effective learning experiences. Let's take a look at two personas for the course we'll be designing.

Our learner personas


"creating learner personas can be helpful for faculty and instructional designers to design positive collaborative learning experiences" (Yang, 2023)

Dr Y

Mr X

  • Enjoys face-to-face learning but rarely has time. Has recently enjoyed some short-form online learning




  • Name: Steve Collins
  • Age: 34
  • Profession: Nurse
  • Improve patient care
  • Be informed about potential career paths

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  • Prefers online learning
  • Is adept at using new technology


  • Improve patient care
  • Achieve promotion to registrar


  • Name: Amelie Peraud
  • Age: 29
  • Profession: Doctor



Learning Gap

LMS, and peer group, feeback suggests members would be willing to pay increased membership fees if promotion pathway content was included.

75 %

of members report a lack of effective personal development opportunities over the last 12 months

The Royal College has c20,000 members consisting almost entirely of medical practitioners. Members are time-poor and lack opportunities for personal development (PD).

The ABCD Method

The ABCD method helps in crafting targeted goals, addressing the audience, defining desired behaviors, setting conditions, and specifying levels of achievement.Bearing in mind the learner personas highlighted earlier, the ABCD is defined as:

  • Actors: members of the Royal College
  • Behaviour: Understanding of, and ability to apply, necessary skills within their specific promotion pathway
  • Conditions: members are time-poor, are flexible in how training is delivered, and want to be better able to upskill whilst serving patients effectively
  • Degree: content must allow practitioners to advance their role once all modules (and subsequent peer review) are completed

Users will undertake the content at their own pace and in line with their grade-level skill acquisition


All grade-skill matrices are agreed via consensus by the College board with the sole intention of creating viable pathways to promotion


All goals are achievable by practitioners with the necessary grade-level skills. The pathway is not time-restricted and will therefore service its users effectively without creating additional time pressure


Grade-specific assessments (passing percentage: 75) will occur after completion of all modules, followed by peer assessment


Demonstrate proficiency in applying grade-specific skills and an ability to perform consistently at the successive grade


A closer look

SMART Objectives

  • Evaluate their pathway progress against a grade-based matrix
  • Apply successive-grade skills to their current role
  • Understand the various pathways to promotion from their specific grade

At the culmination of the programme, learners will be able to:









Bloom's Taxonomy


"We cannot say how to teach for understanding or which material and activities to use until we are quite clear which specific understanding we are after" (Wiggins and McTighe, 2005)


A top-down approach in course design begins with clearly defined learning outcomes and then structures the modules/content based on these outcomes. This ensures:Alignment with Goals: Learning outcomes will align with the overall goals of the courseFocused Content: Each learning outcome is the focal point of module contentEffective Assessment Design: All assessments are created solely to ensure the outcome is metOptimised Learning Experience: Users are presented with a cohesive learning experience as each module is purposefully constructed with outcomes in mind

Example Module Overview

Module 1 topic 3

Module 1 topic 2

Module 1 topic 1





Programme Modalities & Media

for every module

  • Instructional videos
  • Text
  • Images
  • Screencasts
  • Formative quizzes
  • Assessment
  • Instructional videos
  • Text
  • Images
  • Podcast
  • Formative quizzes
  • Assessment
  • Instructional videos
  • Text
  • Images
  • Formative quizzes

The 'how' of learning encompasses various elements for designing an effective learning experience:


Flow/learning pathway - The programme will allow users to move freely throughout all 3 modules. This will mean users have immediate access to the parts of each matrix they wish to focus on, rather than being driven through extraneous content in a linear fashionFormats: video, text, asynchronous forums, images, summative assessments, screencasts

Mode of delivery - the promotion pathway will be an asynchronous online programme. Users will benefit from a self-paced environment in which they are in control of their own progression and skill acquisitionTimeline - each module will take around 3 hours to complete under normal circumstances, in line with other pathways at the College, and at other similar institutions.

Content: Pedagogically-sound material covering the specific learning objectives for the topicAssessments and Feedback: Summative and formative assessments to gauge understanding, with mediation (via AI-driven recommendations) to aid learningActivities: Interactive tasks and exercises designed to reinforce learning, focusing on practical application of new skills


The course is formed of 3 modules, each containing multiple topics. Within each topic, users will be presented with:


  1. Yang, X. (2023). Creating learning personas for collaborative learning in higher education: AQ methodology approach. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 4, 100250
  2. Wiggins, G. P., & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by design. Ascd