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Disappearance of Bees

In an effort to offset the population decline and encourage pollination, Michelle Obama brought honey bees to the White House vegetable garden.








The international success of the Burt’s Bees line of cosmetics was created.

In his Notes on the State of Virginia, Thomas Jefferson described the importation of honey bees to America. He also explained that Native Americans called them the “white man’s fly” and used them to warn of approaching invaders.

Scientists discovered the beginnings of Colony Collapse Disorder.

Beeswax, used for rustproofing World War II military vehicles, became so crucial to the war effort that beekeepers received exemptions from military service.

Colonists set up over 170,000 hives. Although used primarily to obtain wax, honey bees were very valuable. the Continental Congress adopted an image of a beehive as the logo for its continental currency.

Why are bees important?

Many plants cannot reproduce without the help of pollinators.

Bees play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems by pollinating trees, flowers, and other plants.

Approximately 75% of global food crops, including fruits, vegetables, and nuts, rely on pollinators like bees.


Pollen Sack

Pollen stuck to fine hairs.

New pollen


Pollen from a flower's anthers, (male reproductive structure) rubs or drops onto a pollinator. The pollinator then takes this pollen to another flower, where the pollen sticks to the stigma (female reproductive part).

Millar, Helen. “Why Bees Are so Important to Human Life and Health.” Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, 18 May 2021, www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/why-are-bees-important-to-humans.

  • People have used bees and bee-related products for medicinal purposes for thousands of years.
  • In traditional medicine, people use honey when treating a wide variety of conditions. Some of which include...
    • Eye disease
    • Tuberculosis
    • Hepatitis
    • Bronchial asthma
  • Other bee products that can impact your health
    • Beewax
    • Royal jelly
    • Bee bread
    • Propolis

Health benefits associated with bees...

Zissu, Alexandra. “Colony Collapse Disorder: Why Are Bees Dying?” Be a Force for the Future, 29 Apr. 2022, www.nrdc.org/stories/colony-collapse-disorder-why-are-bees-dying.

Why are bees disappearing?

Parasites and diseases.

Loss of habitat

Climate Change

Loss of habitat

As development increases, bee habitat decreases, with woods, trees, grassland, and even gardens being destroyed or paved over. As a result, of these rural areas becoming urban, the area on which bees rely for food is limited.

Climate change

Climate change and extreme weather can disrupt bee nesting behavior and alter normal seasonal timings, so flowers may bloom earlier or later than expected.

Parasites and diseases

Varroa destructor otherwise known as the vampire mite feeds on bees by drinking their blood while its bite spreads infection. After an encounter with the varroa, bees are more likely to give in to illness and disease, and eventually die.

Varela, Charlotte. “Why Are Bees Important? - The Woodland Trust - Woodland Trust.” WHY ARE BEES IMPORTANT? AND HOW YOU CAN HELP THEM, 26 Apr. 2023, www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/blog/2023/04/why-are-bees-important/.

Plant lots of nectar-rich, bee-friendly flowers.

Most invertebrates, such as bees need a place to hibernate. Making or buying a bee hotel can allow bees a place to stay.

What you can do to help save the bees.

Stop using pesticides. Some pests provide food for crucial pollinators, leave them to be controlled naturally.


Malhotra, Sorav. “Why Are Bees Important?” Animal Justice, 2 Aug. 2023, animaljustice.ca/blog/why-are-bees-important?utm_source=Ads&utm_medium=Google&utm_campaign=Grant&gclid=CjwKCAiAgeeqBhBAEiwAoDDhn8oxf1yxoqKqF5wzkAnCA470ChMD0nypG2h1CFuD6oQOlMkos_l5JBoClLwQAvD_BwE. Millar, Helen. “Why Bees Are so Important to Human Life and Health.” Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, 18 May 2021, www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/why-are-bees-important-to-humans. Varela, Charlotte. “Why Are Bees Important? - The Woodland Trust - Woodland Trust.” WHY ARE BEES IMPORTANT? AND HOW YOU CAN HELP THEM, 26 Apr. 2023, www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/blog/2023/04/why-are-bees-important/. Zissu, Alexandra. “Colony Collapse Disorder: Why Are Bees Dying?” Be a Force for the Future, 29 Apr. 2022, www.nrdc.org/stories/colony-collapse-disorder-why-are-bees-dying.

Works Cited

  • Vampire mite

What is the Varroa destructor known as?

  • Loss of habitat, climate change, and parasites/ diseases
What are the three main reasons bees are disappearing?