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Bell London - Teacher Talking Time

Thursday 23rd November

Next week - same as this week + new 1:1s

Class Requests

Plan for Today


Seasonal Lunchtime Food and Drink Celebration Fri 8th December

Student Walk & Lunch - Sat 9th December

Assessment - I will send a link about collecting information. Follow up interviews next week

Teacher Talk - Something old/Something new



How AI can improve this?

Something OldThis is a research article by Scott Thornbury published in the ELT Journal in 1996.It describes an in-service training project designed to raise trainees’ awareness of the degree of communicativeness in their classroom interactions. Trainees recorded segments of their class, transcribed classroom interactions and analysed them.It shows how trainees’ analyses of their own and others’ classroom talk helped them to identify and change their non-communicative behaviours.It discusses features of communicative classroom talk such as IRF sequences, feedback on content, wait time, and learner-initiated interaction.

Teachers Research Teacher Talk

IRF SequencesIRF stands for Initiation Response Feedback.It is a pattern of discussion between the teacher and learner in the classroom. The teacher initiates, the learner responds, the teacher gives feedback or evaluation. It can be used to scaffold learning, but it can also be restrictive and non-communicative.

Teachers Research Teacher Talk

Display questions - Where was the picture taken? (I) ... On a plane (R).... Good, yes. (F) Referential question: What do you think of this painting? - I think it’s very colorful and expressive.... Yes, I agree. It’s very vibrant.Probing question: Why do you think he did that? Because he was angry....Angry about what?

Teachers Research Teacher Talk

TASKRecord and transcribe a segment of your own classroom talk (maybe 5 minutes) Identify the types and functions of your questions and feedback. How communicative are they? How could you improve them? But..... transcription is annoying and time consuming - enter AI

Teachers Research Teacher Talk

Something newA handy AI tool Otter.aiThis uses AI to transcribe audio. You can give it an audio file or download the app on your phone.It's surprisingly accurate and takes the pain out of transcription.A free account gives 300 mins of transcription per month.I've used it with students in the classroom for tasks. It's great to compare where AI misunderstands them etc.http://padlet.com/jonathanspoor/cpd

Teachers Research Teacher Talk