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Purpose / Intention / What Matters The thing that brings us together

The Me-We Dynamic The interconnected way we are shaped by and are shaping the process of being and working together. Me: My background, experiences, expertise, bias’, assumptions, perceptions, needs and desires

The Me-We Dynamic The interconnected way we are shaped by and are shaping the process of being and working together. We: The dynamics that exist between us, power, politics, inclusion-exclusion and cultural norms. The background experiences, assumptions of others.

The Passage of Time - What's been before The way our individual and collective histories shape how we are together.

The Passage of Time - What's coming The way the uncertainty of what's to come and our hopes and fears for the future shape the way we are together.

Relational Factors What relational aspects affect and shape the quality of our collaboration?

Environmental Factors The external factors that influence how we are together. Geo-political, economic, climate, and social conditions.

Systemic Factors The way the current organisational and wider societal systems influence the way we are together.

Quality of Connection Key Practice: Listening & Vulnerability

Quality of Awareness Key Practice: Reflexivity & Presence

Quality of Experimentation Key Practice: Test Ideas Early & Often

Quality of Conversation Key Practice: Skillful Participation