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This is your opportunity to learn all about a topic of your choosing.

  • Select a topic.
  • Develop a driving question.
  • Do the research.
  • Bring it all together.
  • Reflect.
All topics/driving questions should be approved by the teacher before starting your research. You may use any approved platform to display your learning.You may work alone or in groups of no more than 3.Be sure to keep track of your resources so you can give credit to the original creators. Your work must include:
  • Your topic, driving question, and why you chose it.
  • 4-5 key points
  • Real world applications or new learning from your research
  • A reflection
  • Bibliography / Reference page

Welcome to Your Passion Project

Passion Project Exemplar

AISD Curriculum and Instruction Department 2023



Gillis, A. S, & Peterson, D. (2023). 4 main types of artificial intelligence: Explained, Retrieved from https://www.techtarget.com/searchenerpriseai/tip/4-main-types-of-AI-explained#:~:text=Narrow%20AI%20OR%20weak%20AI,and%20better%20than%20humans%20can.

Hintze, A. (2016). Understanding the four types of artificial intelligence, Retrieved from https://www.govtech.com/computing/understanding-the-four-types-of-artificial-intellegence.html

Anyoha, R.(2017). The history of artificial intelligence, Retrieved from https://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2017/history-artificial-intelligence/

Marr, B. (2023). 15 amazing real-world application of AI everyone should know about, Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2023/05/10/15-amazing-real-world-applications-of-ai-everyone-should-know-about/?sh=3392e5a185e8

  • To keep AI from taking over, we have to remember our responsibilities to the human race. AI should only be used to enhance life rather than eliminate it.

There are many real world applications for artificial intelligence already in place. I think we have to maintain a value of human life and purpose over the advancement of technology. Obviously, it can make our lives easier, but it could also be used to eliminate specific groups of people from the reciprocal relationships currently existing in the job market.This would cause a larger separation of classes and increase the number of people being oppressed and marginalized.

How we use it and our morality

Key Point #4

AI is used in almost every part of our lives from healthcare to entertainment.

Real World Applications

  • Argriculture: monitors crops, predicts yields, keeps pests away
  • Security: surveillance, threat detection, and facial recognition
  • Healthcare: telemedicine, improving diagnostics, customized treatment
  • Entertainment: personalized gaming, generative art, virtual concerts, and more
  • Manufacturing: robotics, quality control, predictive maintenance
  • Customer Service: provides 24/7 support with chatbots, analyzes purchasing history, creates hyper-personalized customer experiences

Industrial robots can be used for assembling and inspecting products. They cannot do all of the things a human can do, but they can do simple, repetitive tasks that can speed up the assembly process.

What is the question you will answer during your research?

Research Question

My research question will be, "What are the different types of artificial intelligence and how are they being used in the real world?"

There have been 2 periods of time where there was little interest in AI research since the mid-70s.

There have been times when AI progressed very rapidly and made tremendous gains. However, the research has halted due to funding, public panic, or a simple lack of interest.

AI Progress Comes & Goes

Key Point #2

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What is your topic and why did you choose it?


My topic is artificial intelligence. I want to understand why people are afraid of it when I find it fascinating. I know that it is has been around for a long time and I wonder about all of its uses.

  • Creating artificial intelligence that could take the place of a human seems impossible to me. As humans learn more about the way we learn, think, reason, and make judgments, we too will evolve. We will always be chasing an ever-moving goal line.

I didn't realize that there were levels to artificial intelligence. We haven't yet realized general intelligence or superintelligence, so most of our jobs are safe. However, if the interest in research and development continues, we may see rapid advancements in a short period of time. The fact that we could create a machine that is capable of learning how we think and feel, and is also self-aware, is exciting because it means we would also have to learn a lot about humans and our brains.

Most interesting

Key Point #3

  • Reactive machines
  • Limited memory
  • Theory of mind
  • Self-awareness

There are 4 primary types of artificial intelligence. They include: reactive machines, limited memory, theory of mind, and self-awareness. Each type is an evolution of the previous. For example, a reactive machine acts on the information it has at the time. It can recognize game pieces and predict moves, but does not remember what happened prior. The self-awareness AI, which doesn't exist, would be able to predict the feelings of someone based on its knowledge of how we felt in the past in similar situations.

4 Main Types of AI

Key Point #1

In 1970 Marvin Minsky told Life Magazine, “from three to eight years we will have a machine with the general intelligence of an average human being.” We're still not quite there, but machines can certainly perform many tasks.

The Quote