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2023-2024 budget allotment compared to 2022-2023


budget allotment amount per student at Mustang High School for 2023-2024


ELA students in grades 9-12 are expected to engage in self-selected, independent reading.

ELA Standard


the percentage of materials with a publish date of 2020 or later


the decrease in checkouts between 2022 and 2023 over the same period of AUg. 1 - Nov. 16


MHS Library Media Center - Resources & Funding


In 2022-2023 the budget allotment of $13,328.94 was $8,380.04 more than the 2023-2024 allotment of $4,948.90. That's a 63% decrease.


MHS Library Media Center - Resources & Funding


According to the Oklahoma state accreditation standards (pg 8), library media programs in high schools with 2,000+ students should receive $11,000 for the first 2,000 students plus $3.00 for each additional student.

amount allotted per student per Standard VII

amount allotted per student by district




MHS Library Media Center - Resources & Funding

amount allotted per student per Standard VII


ELA Standard 8

Independent Reading and Writing"Students will read self-selected texts independently, choosing genres to suit and expand their personal preferences and purposes." The MHS Library Media Center offers books that meet this criterion with print materials, ebooks, and audiobooks. Ebooks & audiobooks can be accessed through Follett Destiny or the Sora reading app.


MHS Library Media Center - Resources & Funding

Click on graphic & see pages 103, 111, 119, 127.


This number represents the percentage of materials in the media center that have publish dates from 2020-2023. That's 519 books. Of those, only 13 have a publish date of 2023.

Very interesting...

MHS Library Media Center - Resources & Funding

The average age of the collection - all formats (print, digital, audio, video, and equiptment) is 2004 (19 years). The average age of the fiction collection is 2007 (16 years old).The average age of the nonfiction - informational - collection is 2000 (23 years old).



We've seen a drop of 6.8% in circulation of books over the same period in 2022 vs 2023.Possible explanations for the decrease include the closure of the media center for the 2023 spring semester, the delay of opening the media center for check-outs due to library redesign and return of materials, and the need for more current books.


MHS Library Media Center - Resources & Funding

Areas of the collection that need to be improved upon

  • books by Black authors and representing Black characters
  • books by Asian authors and representing Asian characters
  • books by Hispanic authors and representing Hispanic characters
  • books by First Americans/native authors and representing First Americans characters
  • current nonfiction - only 67 items in the collection have been published in the span of 2020-2023