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ideology in this is england

an ideological critical approach


Intro: Watch the video introducing what we're referring to when we say an 'ideological critical approach'.

Dominant ideology

One way to discuss ideology is to use the terms ‘left’ and ‘right’ wing (also known as liberal and conservative).

What are some ‘left’ wing political beliefs about the social issues here? What are some right wing beliefs?


Dominant ideology/HEGEMONY and political ideology






Watch the video and then click on the numbers above for tasks which you are required to make notes on.

Dominant ideology/HEGEMONY and feminist ideology





Answer the questions on the right. The rules of the Bechdal Test are in No 1 above. Who is Mulvey? Click on No2. Use this info and your answers to the Bechdal test to come to a conclusion.

Does This is England challenge or reinforce hegemony/dominiant ideologies concernning representation of women. NB: Does it also say anything about masculinity?

The three rules of the Bechdal Test are:

  1. The movie must have at least two women in it.
  2. The women must talk to each other.
  3. Their discussion must be about something other than a man.

How are these ideolgies visualised





Political ideologiesincluding:1. Nationalism2. Anti-Thatcher3. Anti-War

Feminist ideologies

how does the film end/links to ideology?





Watch the video and then click on the numbers above for tasks which you are required to make notes on.

Check your notes


View the video and check your notes and add anything that you may have missed.

Answer these questions about Shane Meadow and This is England.

Which political party was in power when the film was produced in 2006

Section 2

Who is this man?

Click on the image and identify how Blairism differed to Thatcherism.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

How does the film end? Which ideology has won?

The end

Would you describe this film as pro Thatcherism or Anti-Thatcherism?

Laura Mulvey - Film Theorist

Lorem ipsum dolor sit

Which political party was in power at the time the film is set?

Section 1

Who is this woman

What is Thatcherism as an ideology? Click on the image and read before summarising in your own words.

Which political party was in power at the time the film is set?

Section 1

Who is this woman

What is Thatcherism as an ideology? Click on the image and read before summarising in your own words.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

What elements of the film are considered LEFT WING (more liberal)?

Section 3 (hover on the image to help)

What elements of the film are considered RIGHT WING (more conservative)?

Do you think the director challenges or reinforces left wing or right ideology? Is this implicit or explicit?

Ideological groupingsGenerally, the left wing is characterized by an emphasis on "ideas such as freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform and internationalism" while the right wing is characterized by an emphasis on "notions such as authority, hierarchy, order, duty, tradition, reactionand nationalism".[21] Political scientists and other analysts usually regard the left as including anarchists,[22][a] communists,[24] socialists,[25] democratic socialists, social democrats,[26] left-libertarians, progressives, and social liberals.[27][28] Movements for racial equality,[29] as well as trade unionism, have also been associated with the left.[30] Political scientists and other analysts usually regard the right as including conservatives (among whom there are many strains, including traditionalist conservatism, libertarian conservatism,[31] neoconservatism,[32][33] and ultraconservatism[34]); right-libertarians,[35] anarcho-capitalists,[36][37] monarchists,[38] fascists,[39] and reactionaries.[40] A number of significant political movements do not fit precisely into the left–right spectrum, including Christian democracy,[41] feminism,[42][43]and regionalism.[42][43][44] Though nationalism is often regarded as a right-wing doctrine, many nationalists favor egalitarian distributions of resources. There are also civic nationalists,[45] as well as left-wing nationalists.[46] Populism is regarded as having both left-wing and right-wing manifestations in the form of left-wing populism and right-wing populism, respectively.[47] Green politics is often regarded as a movement of the left, although there are also green conservatives. Andrew Dobson suggests that green politics contains an inherent conservatism as it is "adverse to anything but the most timid engineering of the social and natural world by human beings". As such, the green movement is perhaps difficult to definitively categorize as left or right.[48][49]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

Which political party was in power when the film was produced in 2006

Section 2

Who is this man?

Click on the image and identify how Blairism differed to Thatcherism.