Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Jessica Wheller

Reflecting on practice


My PersonalBackground

Level 3 ChildcareLevel 2 professional Trampoline coach to all ages and abilities

Time restraints if they go wrong.

Being able to create and trial out a research project

Creating different activites at the correct level

My subject knowledge





My SWOT analysis

"Action research is a very effective method for improving all elements of your practice – teaching, learning and assessment, and curriculum." (Scales et al, 2011, pg.109)

What is an action research project?

My action research project

Use a range of different teaching strategies to make activities different and exciting yet suitable for the level of my students.

"Teachers should vary their teaching practice to fulfill different students’ learning styles."(Abulhul,Z, 2021)

Teaching strategies


True or false

Gameshow revision

Round robin


Examples of teaching strategies

Card Activities

Case studies


Think, pair and share.

Planning and creating an interactive display board

T level students 2nd yearPlan Do Assess

Creating a blooket quiz

A revsion tool that the students lead.Encourages active learning

Allowing the stundents to take lead. Can they take these back into placement? The ability to bring placement to college.

Student led starter activity

Group mind mapping

Mind mapping "is a powerful tool to develop visual processing and concentration skills. It encourages learners to identify connections to a topic or subject " (Mansell and Gravells, 2019, p.g, 73)Encourages vygotsky's social learning theory


Suitable for my level of students. Allows for creativtiy. Individual or group task

presentation making

Childcare activties

Inclusive practice. Extends their thinking.Link into practice.

According to the Gatsby project “teachers must know how to teach topics in ways that learners can understand” (Gastby,2023)

Lorem Ipsum

Pedagogical content knowledge

Scheme of work - How do i want to teach it Using industry knowledge.


"inclusion requires educational investigation into its practices. it adopts an evaluative stance to teaching, its processes and outocmes, and reflects on the social and educational values that make inclusive practices successful"(O'Hanlon 2003, Pg 25)

Applying inclusion

"All children have an equal right to be listened to and valued in the setting."(Early years matters, 2023)


."There are `different worlds' within our classrooms and skilled teachers will try to see themselves as their students see them" (Scales,P, 2013,p.g 14).

Brookfield's crtical lenses

Of all the pedagogic tasks teachersface, getting inside students' heads is one of the trickiest. It is also the mostcrucial. (Brookfeild, 1995,p.g 92)

Theortical literature

My feedback


Students eyes


My Own reflection

Was it inclusive? What have they learnt?Has this strategy helped what they have learnt, build into their schemas?

TQUK Early years educator

T Level 1st year students

T level 1st year students

T level 2nd year students

My students eyes

My colleagues

"all students were actively included in the assessment and you used ‘think, pair , share’ as a good way to promote discussions in the lessons where students could learn from each other around which books can help develop literacy development"

Thoeretical litrature

is it relevant to what they are learning? Can I link it to any theorists or theory's?

If i do it again, what would could i do?

Action plan

what else could i have done?

What sense can i make out of this?

what was good and bad about the experience

what was i thining and feeling?

What happened?






Gibbs Refelctive Cycle

"This awareness allows you to make changes as the situation demands, to be able to 'think on your feet'. When the session is complete you can reflct on, analyse and evaluate the learning and teahcing"(Scales,P,2013, p.g.11)

Reflection on action

Refection in action.



Developing skill

My conclusion


Industry placement


The Early Years Foundation Stage, 2023, A Unique Child Inclusive Practice, https://www.earlyyearsmatters.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/eyfs_unique_child_incl_prac1.pdf, last accessed on 22/11/23)

Scales, P., Pickering, J., Senior, L., Headley, K., Garner, P. and Boulton, H. (2011) Continuing Professional Development in the Lifelong Learning Sector. Maidenhead, Open University Press

O'Hanlon, C, 2003, EDUCATIONAL INCLUSION AS ACTION RESEARCH an interpretive discourse,1st edition, open univeristy press, Berkshire.

Scales,P,2013,Teaching in the lifelong learning sector,2nd edition,Mc Graw-Hill Education, Maindenhead.


Mansell, S and Gravells, A, 2019, 50 Teaching & Learning Approaches,1st edition, London, Sage publications.

Reference list

Abulhul , Z. (2021). Teaching Strategies for Enhancing Student’s Learning. Journal of Practical Studies in Education , 2(3), 1-4. https://doi.org/10.46809/jpse.v2i3.22, (21/11/23)

Brookfield, S. (1995) Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher. San Francisco:Jossey-Bass.

Thankyou for listening!

It was good to plan the activtiy and I enjoyed seeing the process my peers have made on the baord whilst i was away. I enojyed helping finishing it off and adding the final detials to make it complete.

It was fun to design a display board and assign jobs to eachother. I do think we could have managed our time better.

I love creating a starter acitvity and then taking charge of the activity. This helps me with my confidence and allows me to start to think of different activties that i could use in work placement.

I have extremly enjoyed the planning and creating a display board. The only downfall is we didnt have enough of some of the resources. So we had to make a different plan.