Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Rules to form the plural


  • orange -oranges
  • car - cars
  • rose - roses
  • book - books

Rule #1

Añade -s al final del sustantivo

  • lunch - lunches
  • dress - dresses
  • glass - glasses
  • box - boxes

Rule #2

Añade -es si el sustantivo termina en , –s, –ss, –sh, –ch, –x, o –z

  • butterfly - butterflies
  • baby - babies
  • cherry - cherries

Rule #3

si el sustantivo termina en consonante + -y , la y pasa a i + es

  • boy - boys
  • day - days

Rule #4

si el sustantivo termina en vocal + -y , solo añadimos s

  • hero - heroes
  • potato - potatoes
  • tomato - tomatoes

Rule #5

si el sustantivo termina en consonante + o , añadimos ES

  • pistachio - pistachios
  • radio - radios

Rule #6

cuando el sustantivo termina en vocal + -o , solo añadimos s

  • chef - chefs
  • cliff - cliffs


  • life - lives
  • shelf - shelves
  • half - halves

Rule #7

Muchas palabras que terminan en f/fe , en plural terminan en veS

Let's practice
  • strawberry ___________
  • picture ___________
  • bench ___________
  • friend ___________
  • puppy ___________
  • party ___________
  • toy _______
  • potato ___________
  • knife _____________
  • child- children
  • man - men
  • woman - women
  • person – people
  • tooth – teeth
  • foot – feet
  • mouse – mice
  • goose – geese

Irregular forms

NO cambian
  • deer- deer
  • fish - fish
  • sheep - sheep
  • scissors
  • news
  • trousers
  • pyjamas

Irregular forms

Let's practice

Including irregular forms

Let's practice a bit more...

Including irregular forms
Singular and plural

Write the plural form of each singular noun below.

Singular and plural

Write the plural form of each singular noun below.