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Cool it LabPart 2

Let's review the key ideas and complete packet 2.Have your packet and a pencil ready while you complete this journey!






Jump to specific question:



You just finished doing a lab where you put HOT washers into room temperature water.

How did the mass impact the energy transfer? Click the washer mass that transferred the most energy!

Temperature is a measure of the kinetic energy of the particles. Which beaker of water has the MOST KINETIC ENERGY?

GOOD! The washers with the greatest mass transferred the most energy!

Just like lawyers, scientists need evidence for their work to be credible. LOOK AT YOUR DATA! Which data that you collected, is the evidence that heat energy transferred to or from a substance in this investigation?

  • Click on the famous TV lawyer if you think it was the initial temp of the water.
  • Click on the microphone if you think it was the mass of the washers.
  • Click on the coffee pot if you think it was the change in the water temperature.

Your honor, I have evidence.

During the lab when we added MORE MASS (more washers)...

More energy was transferred to the water!

What is the PROOF or EVIDENCE that more energy transferred with more washers?

The water temperature changed!

Drag the magnifying class to reveal the evidence and clue for moving on!

1 washer

Click the beaker with a higher temperature to move on!

3 washers

GOOD! Answer question 1 in your packet!I need to review more before doing question 1.I'm done with question 1 and ready to move on!




1. The washers were HOT in our experiment. Click on the washer.2. The water was cold. Click on the water.3. Click on molecules colliding and transferring energy.4. Click on the direction that energy transferred.

Let's describe the DIRECTION that energy transferred in our experiment:


Which object lost energy?



Click the temperature that the washers started at.

Now click the final temperature of the washers.

What was the change in temperature of one metal washer?




Which object gained energy?



Click the temperature that the water started at.

Click the number that shows how many degrees the water increased with the hot washers.

Good! Answer question 2 in your packet!

I need more review to help me with q2.I'm done with q2 and ready to move on!

When there is heat transferred in a closed system, the energy lost is _____________ the amount of energy gained.

greater than

less than

equal to

Watch this animation of what happens when hot particles interact with colder particles.

click your answer


Energy LOST


Reasoning: This makes sense because in a closed system the energy from the washers can ONLY go to the water! The warm molecules collide with the cold molecules transfering the energy. However much energy the hot molecules lose, the cold molecules gain. The energy cannot escape! CLICK HERE AFTER YOU READ THE REASONING!

How does the amount of energy lost by the washers compare to the amount of energy that is gained by the water?

Energy cannot go from the metal to the water.

The water gains the same amount of energy that the metal loses.

The metal gives the water all of its energy. So the metal has zero energy left.

Good! Answer question 3 in your packet!

I need to review the concepts in question 3 again.

I'm done answering question 3 and ready to move on!

Energy always flows from _________ to _________.

Click to reveal the key ideas.



GOOD! Now answer question 4 in your packet!

Specific Heat is like a superpower.

Click superman to learn more



Heat capacity (specific heat) is like a superhero power of a substance. It tells us how much heat, or energy, a substance can hold. Just like some superheroes can withstand a lot of attacks, some substances can hold a lot of heat without getting too hot. Heat capacity helps us understand how different things respond to heat. If something has a high heat capacity, it means it can soak up a lot of heat before it starts to get hot.

Which of these two substances can hold a lot of heat without getting too hot?


Mass is the amount of matter in a substance.

All of the great lakes are


Click Lake Erie on the diagram.

MASS is the amount of matter.The mass of a substance has a significant impact on heat energy transfer.

Click on the lake with the greater mass?

The greater the mass of a substance, the more thermal energy it can store.

The mass of a substance has a significant impact on heat energy transfer. MORE MASS = don't change their temperature as easily.LESS MASS= change temperature easier.

If both lakes recieved the same amount of heat energy, which would experience a greater temperature change?

Answer question 5 in your packet

I need more help with question 5 concepts.

I'm done with question 5 and ready to move on!

Which metal has the highest specific heat?

Try Again

What is the connection?

Which metal transferred the most heat to the water?




energy transfer

Which metal has the highest specific heat?






Which best describes the cause and effect relationship between specific heat and energy transfer?

specific heat

specific heat

specific heat

As the specific heat of a metal increases, the amount of heat energy transferred increases

Specific heat does not relate to heat transfer.

The lower the specific heat the higher the heat transfer.

highest energy transfer and highest specific heat

Lowest specific heat and lowest energy transfer.

Answer 6a in your packet!

I need more help with 6a

I'm done with 6a and ready to move on.

Remember, scientists need evidence to back up their claims!

What evidence from lab table 1 supports the relationship between specific heat and energy transfer?

energy transfer

specific heat

Copper transferred the least energy to the water at 6*c and had the lowest specific heat.

Aluminum had a specific heat of 0.900 and the temperature of the water increased 14*c

Read then click on this evidence

Read then click on this evidence

Answer 6b in your packet.

I need more help with 6b.

I'm ready to move on.

Some metal pots have a copper bottom as shown below. Click on the copper part of the pot.

Read Question 6c on your packet.


If the same amount of heat is applied to all three metals for 10 seconds, which one will warm up the most?

Substances with low heat capacity change temperature more easily. Click the thermometer with the higher temperature increase.

Specific heat helps us understand how different substances respond to heat. Copper has a LOW specific heat, which means...

It absorbs a lot of heat before changing temperature, so it heats up and cools down SLOWLY.

It changes temperature QUICKLY when exposed to heat. It heats up and cools down faster than other metals.


Why might a chef prefer a pan that has a copper bottom?

Copper has a higher specific heat so it heats up faster.

Copper has a lower specific heat so it heats up faster.

Think back to the lab that you conducted. Look at Data Table 3 (your data)

How do we know the molecules were moving faster in the water AFTER the washer were added?What is the evidence on your chart that proves the molecules speed up?


I'm done with 7 and ready to move on!

3. The amount of heat energy lost by the washer is _________ to the energy gained by the water. This makes sense because in a closed system the energy has no where else to go!4. The direction energy flows is from the _______ washers to the ______ water.5. Mass impacts how energy transfers to a substance. The _________ the mass of a substance, the more thermal __________ it can store. Lake Erie would warm up more because it has a lower mass.

Check your answers!!! These are sample answers so your answers will be similar but not exactly the same!

1. The data that we collected that is evidence of energy transfer is _______________________

Click the ROCK if you checked your work for 1-5 and are ready to move on.

the change in water temperature






2. The metal washers lost energy. The __________ gained energy.


hover to reveal words

6. When we looked back at lab table one we noticed a relationship between specific heat and energy transfer.a) The greater the specific heat of the metal, the______________ the energy transfer. b) Aluminum has a specific heat of _______ and it increased the water temperature an average of ____________.

c. Of the 3 metals __________ has the lowest specific heat. This means it takes less energy to warm up the pan, so it warms up more quickly than other metals.

7. When we placed hot washers in the water in our lab, the washer molecules were moving _______. As they collided with the _______ cold molecules of the water, they transferred kinetic energy to the water molecules which then started moving _________. The evidence is that the temperature went up. For example 19*c to 25*c



14 degrees





I'm ready to move on.

Check over your Cool It Packet 2 to make sure all parts are complete!

Then, turn your packet into the teacher!

Look more carefully at your data!

Try Again

Look more carefully at your data!

Try Again

Look more carefully at your data!

Try Again

Try Again

Without Washers

With Washers

What was the evidence that the washers transferred energy to the water?

think carefully!

Look at the specific heat ofwater compared to aluminum and copper.

Click on how many Joules (j) of energy are needed to change the temperature of water.

Mass is the amount of matter.

Lake Ontario is more massive than Lake Erie.

Try Again

Don't be sad. Just read the question more carefully!


Try Again

Don't be sad. Just read the question more carefully!


Try Again

Try Again


Try Again

Look carefully! The higher the specific heat the more the energy transferred!

Aluminum has the highest heat capacity and it also transferred the most energy.

Try Again

Try Again

(specific heat)

(specific heat)

Click each pot to learn more.

Aluminum has a high specific heat, so it heats up the slowest of the 3 metals.

Copper has a low specific heat so it heats up the fastest of the 3 metals.

Iron heats up slower than copper, but faster than aluminum.

I clicked each pot.

Energy cannot go from the metal to the water.



Energy transfers from the washers to the water.



Try Again


Temperature is a measure of thermal energy. Since the washers end at the same temperature as the water- they still have some thermal energy!

Try Again

The metal gives the water all of its energy.

Try Again

(specific heat)

(specific heat)

Try Again

specific heat

specific heat

Look carefully! The red molecules lose about the same amount of energy that the blue molecules gain!

Try Again

The evidence that the kinetic energy increased is the temperature went up when washers were added! Can you find an example of this on your chart? Use some numbers in your answer!