APA 7th citationreference_v2
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Juan Carlos MontoyaMay 10, 2024FL Teaching ProgramPracticum
Citing and referencing sources using APA 7th
A space for the UdeA community to obtain FREE virtual and on-site support from academic tutors on the comprehension, design, and production of academic text in English for classes, research, and professional advancement.
Center for Multiliteracies
7. Practical exercise
9. Evaluation and Feedback
8. Q & A
6. References: Elements, formating, DOIs and URLs
3. APA and other styles to cite and reference our sources
5. Citations: nitty grinny of
4. Reliable and unreliable sources to use, cite, and reference
1. Workshop's objective
2. Importance and consequences of citing/not citing correctly
Workshop's outline
To review with you some features of APA citations and referencing that are crucial so that you can use them confidently in your presentations and position yourself well in your teaching and academic endeavours.
1. Workshop's objective
2. Importance and consequences of citing/not citing correctly
Why are proper citation and referencing important?"
- Maintaining professionalism and credibility of your work
- Acknowledging and respecting the intellectual property rights of others
- Showing awareness of previous research
- Providing readers the opportunity to access information easily and to verify the accuracy of the information
- Preventing plagiarism accusations
What happens when we fail to cite or reference our sources?
Significant improvement in EFL pre-service teachers' comprehension of context, purpose, and audience occurs when their perspective of academic writing as a situated social practice increases.
One of the main gains experienced by this group of EFL pre-service teachers in developing a view of academic writing, particularly information reports, as a situated social practice, refers to teachers’ understanding of context, purpose, and audience.
Correa, D., & Echeverri, S. (2017). Using a systemic functional genre-based approach to promote a situated view of academic writing among EFL pre-service teachers. HOW, 24(1), 44-62. http://dx.doi.org/10.19183/ how.24.1.303.
Original text
What styles can we use to cite and reference our sources?
- American Psychological Association
- Citation style and more
- Guidelines to facilitate clear and concise communication of ideas.
- Adoption in education and social sciences.
What is APA?
Adheres to Institutional Policies
Integrates to Citation management tools
Contibutes to preventing Plagiarism
Supports our Research log
Permits Cross-Referencing
How can APA help us cite and reference our sources?
Offers a structured Organization
4. Reliable and unreliable sources we can use, cite and reference
Sources that offer current, corroboratable, relevant information, recognized and endorsed by the academic community in a specific area of knowledge (State University of New York Empire State College, 2022).
What kind of sources are we expected to use, cite and reference?
Source Origin
Accuracy and Style
Information Level
Author's Perspective
Contact Information
Author's Experience
How can we identify that a source is reliable?
American Psychological Association
5. Citations: The nitty gritty of
(Sheret, Sultana and Sotir 2016)(Sheret, Sultana, & Sotir, 2016)(Sheret et al., 2016)
(Johnson and Brown, 2020, p. 75).
(Smith 2019).
(Johnson & Brown, 2020, p. 75).
Exercise 3
Exercise 2
Exercise 1
(Smith, 2019).
Select the correct citation
that star employees “. . . have disproportionately high and prolonged performance, visibility, and relevant social capital. . .” (Call, Nyberg, & Thatcher, 2015, p. 630).
(Coles Group Annual report, 2022)
Effective teams can be difficult to describe because “high performance along one domain does not translate to high performance along another” (Ervin et al., 2018).
Exercise 4
Excercise 5
Exercise 4
Excercise 6
Correct the citation
For instance, Garcia-Ruiz and Figueroa (2007) explain that in intercultural exchange, individuals are simultaneously part of different social groups, which means that they participate in different cultures “and that these do not necessarily correspond to identical cultures (...) this process of interaction between social groups and individuals generates practices that make the process more complex” (p. 41).
Explain the use of ()
In my classes, I represent their relationship with their mothers to my students. I feel that the mother’s figure is significant to them. (...) So, the teacher can easily create that bond of “your mother is not here, but I am, I can protect you too”; then, apart from teaching, I think I can protect, I can be with them, I can be their support, and I think that makes me generate that bond, a bond I reinforce in my classes. [sic]
Explain the use of () and []
Group Dynamics. Students’ interactions within the club influence their emotions. This is clear in Nathalia’s journal entry (08/29/19): “[I felt] an extra interest; in addition to working with people with whom you feel some empathy or simply do not bother ... me, they generate a feeling of satisfaction and make the class more enjoyable”.
The following excerpts are examples of how shyness is embedded in feelings of insecurity: “Since one generates questions, I wonder if it will be easy or difficult [to make them]? Can I answer it? How will the people around me react? The insecurity” (Yina, 08/15/19).
Explain the use of []
Teacher training should be committed as early as possible not only to programs oriented towards the successful acquisition of a foreign language and the relevant mastery of its teaching, but above all to the effective knowledge of the construction of educational and linguistic policy agendas. (p. 21)
From that sense, Bermudez Jiménez et al. (2021) argued, Consequently, elementary teachers face significant disadvantages in rural settings.
Guess the rule
Spot the Difference
Identify the Rule
Identify the Rule
Stop and check
What Have you Learned so Far?
12. Correspond with the references
11. Avoid periods at beginning or end
10. Signal any cuts or additions
9. Avoid both under citation and over citation
8. Be from primary sources
7. Include a citation for evidences too
6. Be in block quotation if more than 40 words, indented & without QM
5. Include the page number, if after quotes
4. Be updated (last 10 years) & trustworthy
3. Use “&” for citations in parenthesis
2. Use “et al.” for more than 2 authors
1. Be in alphabetical order
Checklist for Citations
Correa, D., & González Moncada, A. M. (2016). English in public primary schools in Colombia: Achievements and challenges brought about by national language education policies. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 24(83). http://dx.doi.org/10.14507/epaa.24.2459
References: Elements, formatting, DOIs and URLs
Correa, D., & González Moncada, A. M. (2016). English in public primary schools in Colombia: Achievements and challenges brought about by national language education policies. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 24(83). http://dx.doi.org/10.14507/epaa.24.2459
References: Elements, formatting, DOIs and URLs
Depending on the source type, include additional details such as the title of the journal, the book's title, the URL, the DOI, and page numbers.
Source Information
Italicize the title and use title case (capitalize the first letter of major words)
Enclose the publication date in parentheses
Date of Publication
Title of Work
List the author's last name and initials, separated by a comma and an ampersand (&) if there are multiple authors.
Core Elements of a Reference Entry
+ info
+ info
+ info
Ensure correct use of periods, commas, colons.
Italicize the titles of longer works, such as books and journals.
Capitalize only the first word of the title, the first word of any subtitles, and proper nouns.
Formatting Guidelines
Vogel, C. (2016). Communication Sequences and Survival Analysis. In Esposito, A. & Jain L. C. (Eds.), Toward Robotic Socially Believable Behaving Systems Series: Vol. 2. Modeling social signals, 47-59. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-31056-5
Chapter in Edited-book
University of Sussex. (2018, June 3). 5 Top Tips for Creating Inclusive Presentations, Educational Enhancement. https://blogs.sussex.ac.uk/tel/2018/06/05/5-top-tips-for-creating-inclusive-presentations/
Herrera. L. (2017) Impact of Implementing a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) in the EFL Classroom, Íkala, revista de lenguaje y cultura, 22(3), 479–498. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.ikala.v22n03a07
Journal Articles
Carroll, J. A., & Wilson, E. E. (2014). The Critical Writer: Inquiry and the Writing Process. Bloomsbury Academic.
Creating Reference Entries for Various Sources:
Angeli, E. L. (2012). Networks of communication in emergency medical services (Publication No. 3544643) [Doctoral dissertation, Purdue University]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
Sundusiyah, A. (2019). Language policy rationales, appropriation and debates: A case of English as medium of instruction in Indonesia’s international-standard schools. [Unpublished Doctoral dissertation].University of PittsburghUniversity of Pittsburgh
Creating Reference Entries for Various Sources:
Retrived from
+ Exercise
- A DOI gives a persistent link to a resource on the internet
- A URL address where the resource can be found on the internet
- The DOI or URL is the final component of a reference list entry
DOI (Digital Object Identifier) URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
Walck-Shannon, E. M., Rowell, S. F., & Frey, R. F. (2021). To what extent do study habits relate to performance? CBE Life Sciences Education, 20(1), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1187/cbe.20-05-0091
DOIs and URLs
Practical Exercises
Q & A
Workshop evaluation &Feedback
Puedes acceder a las presentaciones y el material de apoyo en la pestaña de Eventos y talleres del sitio.
Thank you
- American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association: The official guide to APA style (Seventh ed.). American Psychological Association.
- Australian College of Applied Professions (ACAP). (2022). Referencing and Academic Integrity. https://sls.navitas-professional.edu.au/using-credible-sources-0
- Library guides: ENGR 231: Introduction to technical writing: Giving credit: Citing your sources! (2023, October 24). Library Guides at University of Washington Libraries. https://guides.lib.uw.edu/c.php?g=341623&p=5239122#:~:text=This%20is%20important%20so%20that,to%
- Purdue Online Writing Lab. (2023). APA Style (7th edition). Purdue University. https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/index.html
- State University of New York Empire State College. (2022). Credible Sources: Research Skills Tutorial https://subjectguides.esc.edu/researchskillstutorial/credible
Citation and referencing tools
+ info
+ info
+ info
Chegg Writing's free APA citation machine automatically formats your sources quickly and easily.
Citefast is a FREE APA7 citation generator. Generate and manage your references, in-text citations and title pages in APA 7th edition.
Mendeley is a free reference manager that can help you store, organize, note, share and cite references and research data
Citation Management Tools
Types of in-Text Citation
Types of in-Text Citation
Angeli, E. L. (2012). Networks of communication in emergency medical services (Publication No. 3544643) [Doctoral dissertation, Purdue University]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
a. Use a period at the end of each element in a reference entry (e.g., after the author's initials, the title, and the source information).b. Use commas to separate multiple authors, publication date, and page numbers in reference entries.
Sundusiyah, A. (2019). Language policy rationales, appropriation and debates: A case of English as medium of instruction in Indonesia’s international-standard schools. [Unpublished Doctoral dissertation].University of PittsburghUniversity of Pittsburgh
- What happens when we fail to cite or reference our sources?
- What strategies can we use to secure the citation and referencing of our sources?
- What systems can we use to cite and reference our sources?
- What kind of sources are we expected to cite and reference in our articles and presentations?
The University of Tampa. (2023, October 19). The publication cycle. Macdonald-Kelce Library at The University of Tampa. https://utopia.ut.edu/physics/pubcycle