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Presented by Noor Bakri.



Frames for windows

Coloured glass

Window history

How to make glass

How to make a window

What does a window do

What is a window

what is a window

Windows are very usefull in our daily lives. Windows are usually known as an opening in the wall of a building fitted with glass in a frame to allow light or air and people to see in and out.

It can also providing natural sunlight and ventilating our homes.Another thing we use windows for is that we can look outside.

Windows allow the exchange of light sometimes the passage of sound and air.

What does a window do

How to make a window

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Then you stick together the parts together leaving a whole\space where later on you place the glass.

First you ussually cut four measured pieces of wood that are the right size.

Second step

First step

How to make a glass

Once you take out the melted glass you add some more chemicals ito have thickness. Now you shape the molten glass and then you leave it to cool down.

Once you get your mixture place it in a heat resistant holder . The temperature should be about 1,500 or 2,500 degrees celcius. Once you melt the glass take it out wwith metal hooks unless you want to burn your hand

The two main components are silica sand or flux. You can also use other chemicalsto get differents types of glass.

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Third step

Second step

First step

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The first ones to use wimdos made out of glass where the romans, this technology is been produced for the first tin in the Egyptian Roman in Alejandría around hundred D.C. As well in China, Korea and Japan they used paper windows what it was cheap to produce. Around the 17th century the glass vindows became vary popular and común in England.

Window history

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These are the primary colours of glass:

Wheen you see a picture made out of coloured glass that is called stained glass.Coloured glass are made by adding a very small amount of metal oxide or colour elements to the glass mass.The primary colours are green, smoke, bronze and blueAnother way to have colored windows is by painting the glass there are different techniques as acrylic paint, or water-based paint or enamel paint..

Coloured glass

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Th material of The frames ned to be chosen according to the size of the window and the climate of the area.The PVC is The most modern and effective one to save energy as keeps the temperature in.The wood one is giving the more elegance for the window and it's a good insulation one but needs a lot of maintenance and it's not recommended in areas of heavy raining .The aluminium one is very convenient for areas where the climate has heavy rain and a lot of humidity but it's not that good cuality because it lets the heat het out of the house .The coated or mixed, thos one is the mix with the thre previous materials the PVC, wood and aluminium, this one is very resistant but sometimes let's Ty water in from the rai .

Diferentes frames:

Frames for windows

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How was glass discovered

The beginning of glass

Conclusión As you can see to choose a window is not that simple. You need to choose the frame material, the glass or paper of the window and the size all according with your personal taste and the climate of the area.

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