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ISST Fall Locations 2023

Source: ISST Official Website

American School of the Hague

ASH hosted varsity boys soccer and JV girls volleyball. The boys soccer team came sixth and the girls volleyball team came second.

International School of Brussels

ISB hosted JV boys soccer. The team placed fourth out of eight teams.

Frankfurt International School

FIS hosted JV girls soccer and JV boys volleyball. The soccer team came fourth and the volleyball team came third.

American School of Paris

ASP hosted middle school girls and boys soccer. The girls soccer team came fourth and the boys soccer team came third.

Munich International School

MIS hosted middle school tennis, as well as the middle school and high school cross country teams. The girls tennis team came second and the boys tennis team came first, with an overall win of first place. The middle school girls cross country team came fourth and the middle school boys cross country team came first. The high school cross country team came second. Combined, the middle school and high school teams came second overall.

British School of the Netherlands

BSN hosted the varsity field hockey team, which came in first place for the first time since 1986.

American International School Vienna

AIS hosted varsity girls soccer and varisty boys volleyball. The girls soccer team came fourth and the boys volleyball team came sixth.

Zurich International School

ZIS hosted varsity girls volleyball. The girls volleyball team came fifth.