Dasher: Prologue
Created on November 13, 2023
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DASHERS - Prologue
♫ Unchained by Lesion X | https://soundcloud.com/lesionxbeats Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en_US
♫ Danger Around The Corner by Darren-Curtis | https://soundcloud.com/desperate-measurez Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en_US
- 1000
- 50
- 10
- 500
You are a member of a ragtag group of Asyms and Vitis that take on odd jobs, sometimes easy, sometimes dangerous, sometimes questionable, just to survive and keep your home.
- 1000
- 50
- 10
- 500
In this adventure, we follow Sodalita rules.
For every action or situation, roll 2🎲.
No and...NoYes, but...YesYes , and...
Drama or trouble happens.Failed. If you used an item, you lose it or it breaks.An obstacle appears or something inconvenient happens to you or the next player.Succeed.Succeed, you might gain an edge, find an item, the next player gets a buff, etc.
- 1000
- 50
- 10
- 500
Add +1 for each of your character's skills, augments and items that are relevant to the action or situation you're facing.
ExampleA player with Marksman skills using a projectile weapon to try to shoot a target gets +1 for Marksman skill and +1 for using a projectile weapon.
ExampleA player with programming skills, a cyberverse VR augment and a password skeleton key trying to hack a corporate database gets +3 to their roll for all relevant skills, augment and item.
- 1000
- 50
- 10
- 500
If drama happens twice for a player during an adventure, the player must take themselves out of the story and their drama will be addressed in a sidequest.
- 1000
- 50
- 10
- 500
Before we begin your adventure, where are you situated? What city is your home?
London, United Kingdom
Seoul, Korean Peninsula (South Korea)
Suros.new_york (New York City, New York)
OraKar.los_angeles (Los Angeles, California)
Blaik-Hana (Hong Kong)
Narrmborn, Australia (Melbourne, Australia)
- 1000
- 50
- 10
- 500
All players, roll 2🎲. 3-5 players with the lowest rolls will participate. The rest will spectate.
- 1000
- 50
- 10
- 500
You are running through the streets of the city. One of you is carrying a package.
- 1000
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- 500
You are being chased by a pair of mecha hounds (robot dogs) with Adelphi Group logos on their mecha parts.
- 1000
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- 500
You are being chased by a squad of men in suits wearing pins of Adelphi Group, one of the city’s corporate contractors.
- 1000
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- 500
You are being chased by a gang of thugs with face tattoos marking them as Weeping Wraith gangsters.
- 1000
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- 500
Whatever you do, do not let go of that package until you’ve reached your destination.
- 1000
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- 500
You zig zag your way through the street, dodging pedestrians on the sidewalk and autotrams on the street.
Each player roll to evade. Reveal if failed.
- 1000
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- 10
- 500
Your merilet signals you to turn left into an alleyway.
- 1000
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- 500
You jump over trashbots and vagrant Vitis to try and shake off your pursuer.
- 1000
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- 500
You knock over a stack of crates to block your pursuers.
- 1000
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- 500
You’re about to exit the alleyway when another pursuer appears just outside the alleyway. You are now surrounded.
- 1000
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- 500
The pursuers threaten you, eyeing the package you’re carrying.
Spectator player with programming or driving skills, roll 2D6. Highest roller joins in as voice over.
- 1000
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- 500
Why am I always having to save your butts?
You hear a voice over your group proxy comms
- 1000
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- 500
A police drone flies down and hovers above the scene. Its lights and sirens blaring. This scares your pursuers and they retreat.
- 1000
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- 500
Once it seems like your pursuers have given up chasing you, the police drone ascends back up.
That was the last police chaincode I had. You owe me a new one for that.
- 1000
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- 500
You thank your rescuer. Just then, your merilets chime, directing you to head north. You continue your way into a nearby park.
- 1000
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- 500
At the park, your merilet drops a destination pin onto one of the park's monuments and you approach it.
- 1000
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- 500
A woman walks up to your group holding up a proxy, a glassy mobile phone device.
- 1000
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The leader of your group takes out their proxy as well. Both proxies emit a hologram of a fractured image.
- 1000
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- 500
As your leader and the woman approach each other, the holograms merge, completing the image.
- 1000
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- 500
The woman nods towards the person carrying the package.
H0P token verified. Is that the package?
- 1000
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The player carrying the package hands it over to the woman.
- 1000
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- 500
A hologram of a P.A.R.I. (personal A.I. assistant) appears over the package, it jitters around the package.
Scanning...Scanning...Package has been authenticated.
A pleasure doing business with you. Here’s your 5 kiloᛗ.
“Thank you for picking up my groceries.”
- 1000
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- 500
The woman hands a merit card to your leader. She then speaks into her merilet.
- 1000
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- 500
She gestures on her merilet and each of you receive +0.01 Clout. The woman then leaves the park with her package.
Yeah, let’s go home.
Well...let’s not do that again.
You’re getting clout strikes from people you bump into. Strangely, you’re not getting clout strikes from the pursuers.