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TErm 3


By the end of this week, you will be able to:

  • Receive feedback on the first draft of your Coursework 1assignment
  • Respond to feedback on the first draft of your Coursework 1 assignment

Academic conclusions

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • respond to feedback received for academic work
  • prepare for and participate effectively in tutorial meetings.
  • write effective conclusions for academic essays
  • take critical notes from texts
  • identify conclusions and recommendations in academic lectures
  • recognise elements of good practice in academic presentations.


By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • apply different concepts of criticality to your own study
  • critically express a viewpoint
  • use the language of criticality with confidence and accuracy
  • recognise lines of argumentation in speeches and presentations
  • use evaluative language structures in your written and spoken work.
  • recognise and develop the key components of academic argumentation
  • develop effective rebuttals to counterarguments in academic writing
  • evaluate a range of arguments, exposing logical flaws and inappropriate appeals
  • prepare for and participate in feedback tutorials.
  • be able to use different forms of cautious language effectively in your academic writing


By the end of the week you will be able to:

  • understand basic principles governing organisation of academic essays and main body paragraphs
  • write effective main body paragraphs with strong topic, supporting and concluding sentences
  • write effective introductions and conclusions for academic essays
  • improve textual cohesion of your written work
  • integrate evidence into your academic writing
  • report numerical and statistical data in written and oral assignments
  • recognise speaker attitude and viewpoints in lectures
  • use intonation to deliver shades of meaning and emphatic structures in presentations.


By the end of the week you will be able to:

  • understand basic principles governing organisation of academic essays and main body paragraphs
  • write effective main body paragraphs with strong topic, supporting and concluding sentences
  • write effective introductions and conclusions for academic essays
  • improve textual cohesion of your written work
  • integrate evidence into your academic writing
  • report numerical and statistical data in written and oral assignments
  • recognise speaker attitude and viewpoints in lectures
  • use intonation to deliver shades of meaning and emphatic structures in presentations.

TErm 2


By the end of this week, you will be able to:

  • Receive feedback on the first draft of your Coursework 1assignment
  • Respond to feedback on the first draft of your Coursework 1 assignment


By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • apply different concepts of criticality to your own study
  • critically express a viewpoint
  • use the language of criticality with confidence and accuracy
  • recognise lines of argumentation in speeches and presentations
  • use evaluative language structures in your written and spoken work.
  • recognise and develop the key components of academic argumentation
  • develop effective rebuttals to counterarguments in academic writing
  • evaluate a range of arguments, exposing logical flaws and inappropriate appeals
  • prepare for and participate in feedback tutorials.
  • be able to use different forms of cautious language effectively in your academic writing


By the end of the week you will be able to:

  • understand basic principles governing organisation of academic essays and main body paragraphs
  • write effective main body paragraphs with strong topic, supporting and concluding sentences
  • write effective introductions and conclusions for academic essays
  • improve textual cohesion of your written work
  • integrate evidence into your academic writing
  • report numerical and statistical data in written and oral assignments
  • recognise speaker attitude and viewpoints in lectures
  • use intonation to deliver shades of meaning and emphatic structures in presentations.


By the end of this week, you will be able to:

  • demonstrate understanding of the essay writing process
  • plan and outline a range of academic essays
  • understand the structure of a problem solution essay and evaluate a number of different solutions effectively
  • understand the structure of cause and effect essays
  • understand the structure of compare and contrast essays
  • use different strategies to incorporate your own voice in academic writing
  • identify arguments and counterarguments in academic debates
  • participate in informal academic debates


By the end of this week, you will be able to:

  • recognise the role of presentations in academia
  • understand the structure of academic presentations
  • identify key features of academic presentations
  • use different types of visual data effectively in presentations
  • identify the language used to refer to visual data
  • participate effectively in Q and A sessions, asking and answering critical questions
  • identify conclusions and recommendations in academic lectures


By the end of this week you will be able to:

  • use various editing strategies to help improve your writing
  • incorporate different proofreading methods to help develop your writing
  • use proofreading techniques to improve academic style in writing
  • use your classmates to help you review your work
  • create your own personal proofreading and editing checklists
  • develop your listening for gist and detail
  • provide constructive criticism during speaking activities.


By the end of the week you will be able to:

  • understand basic principles governing organisation of academic essays and main body paragraphs
  • write effective main body paragraphs with strong topic, supporting and concluding sentences
  • write effective introductions and conclusions for academic essays
  • improve textual cohesion of your written work
  • integrate evidence into your academic writing
  • report numerical and statistical data in written and oral assignments
  • recognise speaker attitude and viewpoints in lectures
  • use intonation to deliver shades of meaning and emphatic structures in presentations.


By the end of this week, you will be able to:

  • recognise the role of presentations in academia
  • understand the structure of academic presentations
  • identify key features of academic presentations
  • use different types of visual data effectively in presentations
  • identify the language used to refer to visual data
  • participate effectively in Q and A sessions, asking and answering critical questions
  • identify conclusions and recommendations in academic lectures


By the end of this week, you will be able to:

  • recognise the role of presentations in academia
  • understand the structure of academic presentations
  • identify key features of academic presentations
  • use different types of visual data effectively in presentations
  • identify the language used to refer to visual data
  • participate effectively in Q and A sessions, asking and answering critical questions
  • identify conclusions and recommendations in academic lectures


Argumentation & Seminar Assessment B

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • recognise and develop the key components of academic argumentation
  • develop effective rebuttals to counterarguments in academic writing
  • plan and organise argumentative essays
  • recognise lines of argumentation in academic talks
  • use emphatic structures in presentations.

CW1 tutorials and revision week

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • receive feedback on Draft 1 of CW1 in a live feedback tutorial
  • revise key concepts studied in the first part of the module.

Supporting claims & CW1 Final Submission

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • evaluate information presented in academic texts
  • understand the structure and purpose of case studies
  • understand basic principles governing organisation of academic essays and main body paragraphs
  • improve textual cohesion of your written work
  • understand the structure of academic presentations
  • recognise speaker attitude, discuss viewpoints and evaluate support.

Proposing and evaluating solutions

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • evaluate a number of different solutions effectively
  • understand the structure of a problem-solution-evaluation essay
  • use effective strategies when listening for gist and detail in PSE lectures
  • suggest and evaluate solutions in academic discussions.

Criticality and Mock CW2 presenations

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • evaluate a range of arguments, exposing logical flaws and inappropriate appeals
  • critically express a viewpoint
  • identify arguments and counterarguments in academic debates
  • participate in informal academic debates.

Assessment praparation week

Synthesising sources

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • apply different strategies to avoid plagiarism
  • identify supporting evidence, agreement and contrast in academic texts
  • synthesise sources in writing
  • combine and compare information from two lectures
  • engage in discussions held in response to a lecture.

Academic comparisons

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • assess the credibility of a range of online sources
  • understand the structure of compare and contrast essays
  • use effective strategies when listening for gist and detail in comparison lectures
  • prepare and give an oral summary of a text.

Academic caution and speculation and CW3 Draft Submission

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • understand the role of hedging in academic work
  • be able to use different forms of cautious language effectively in your work
  • understand the purpose and structure of an annotated bibliography
  • employ effective strategies while listening for gist and specific detail
  • provide opinions, speculate and reflect during presentations.

CW3 Tutorials & Editing and proofing your work

Academic presentations

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • determine authorial credibility of academic sources
  • recognise the difference between fact and opinion in texts
  • write effective introductions for academic essays
  • identify features of strong thesis statements
  • identify irrelevant information and digressions in lectures
  • recognise the role of presentations in academia

CW2 Final Presentations & CW3 Final submission

By the end of this session, you should be able to:

  • confidently deliver a researched presentation
  • complete the second part of your AES Coursework Portfolio.

Causal relationship & Critical ap[proach & Seminar Assessment C

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Providing constructive criticism to your peers in written and spoken form
  • understanding the structure of cause and effect essays
  • use effective strategies when listening for gist and detail in cause and effect lectures
  • ask critical questions in academic discussion.