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Emily Sproxton227111

Research Proposal

Aiding my development

- Promotes PS13 via creating an open enviroment that promotes wellbeing techniques wich simutaneously encourages PVA6 through forming clear expectations of attitudes.- Critically reviewing and applying research develops evidence informed practise (PKU9)

Students learning attitudes

Productivity and morale is significantly lower in 9am sessions.


Maslow's Hierarchy of needs (1943,1954)Self-Actualisation and Physcological needs are prime categories of need that dictates an individual's behaviour and motivation.



My Question

If I implement mindfullness sessions students will be more productive.

Produce mindfullness sessions prior to learning to measure productivity.

To investigate the impact mindfullness has upon learning attitudes

Contary Clarke States "Neglecting to tend to the key ‘nutrients’ needed for all aspects of children’s growth (i.e. social, emotional and academic: henceforth, ‘the whole child’) fails to grasp the broader societal, social and economic responsibilities of education." By not taking into account these circumstantial factors we are at risk of preventing the opportunity for "Schools provide the foundational soil from which children grow into adults (Clarke 2020)."

- Claxton 2005 "We might also ask whether there is at least a risk, in some situations, that too much attention to students’ emotions might make them more sensitive to disruption." (P.17) --This statment is enhanced by Brofenbrenner (1979) who states "Research on children’s wellbeing requires an in-depth understanding of the cultures in which children are embedded".

Theme 1 - Different circumstances

Within this journal Tania Clarke explores and argues into Gabriel Heller-Sahlgren theory that wellbeing and achievement are not positivly associated."Heller-Sahlgren argues that pupil happiness and high achievement do not go hand in hand; implying policymakers have a decision to make about which they uphold as the priority." (Clarke,2020)


Literature Review

The Journal then continues to acknowledge that the flaw within wellbeing in educational research is that it is "Underexplored" (Clarke,2020)

O’Shaughnessy (2015) puts it, The old dichotomy that you can have happy children or successful children is wrong. A true education provides not one, or the other, but both. (p. 32

"UK government advice advocating improving pupil wellbeing as an effective means of raising achievement (Public Health England, 2014)" (Clarke 2020) then embracing well being into compulsory curricula (Department of Education 2019)

Craig (2007) "Rather than focus on feelings and dwell on ‘all about me’ activities, we want teachers to help young people acquire skills."(p. 97)

- Supporting this Hayes and Ecclestone (2009) state " Therapeutic education draws students towards easy, unchallenging preoccupation of everyday concerns and feelings and away from a desire to rise to the challenging of pursuing truth, mastering a difficult subject or learning craft skills. "

Theme 2 - Academia Vs Wellbeing

Clarke (2020) contradicts "Much research instead uses pupils’ academic self-concept, self-confidence or self-reported achievement. as opposed to multidimensional approaches to wellbeing that would highlight specific achievement areas." Clarke states "While defining wellbeing is a focus of this article, mental health is not." when refering to her journal."Pupils’ experiencing greater need satisfaction are better adjusted at school (and life) and report higher achievement (Diseth et al., 2012).


"Given the complexity of the wellbeing construct, researchers should be cautious in the terminology used, providing clear definitions reflected in subsequent measures." (Clarke 2020)Heller-Sahlgren (2018) on their incompatibility: " it would certainly be convenient if performance and happiness were self-reinforcing goals . . . Yet there is little rigorous research presented in favour of either the theory or the prescription. "(p. 3)

Theme 3 - What is Wellbeing?

This research shows that my hypothesis. "Wellbeing promotes productivity"(and therefore achievement) is correct

However it must be ensured that -the wellbeing activities are relevant to the learning objectives and/or module- the activities will not surround Mental Health that could induce trauma/distraction.

Throughout the journal Clarke provides evidence from many reliable sources (i.e Department of Education 2019) that promote the combination of Wellbeing and academic Achievement. -Promotes all areas of development - Allows for respectful relationships (PVA6)- Supported by Malow via needs satisfaction

Literature Conclusion

Research Design

Case Studies

Case Studies- Case Study is a detailed exploration of a specific phenomenon that allows for detailed anylaysis of development within a study area. Why? Allows for me as a researcher to explore,experiment and compare the case first handData Collection - Surveys -Observations (Self and Peer) - obtains student and observational data simultaneously, allowing for individual feedback and comparison. - Allows for unbiased data with both independent and dependent variables

due to the development of the prefrontal cortex during adolecents "Yoga during this time can help teens cultivate “executive functions” or the important skills of creativity, flexibility, self-control, and discipline." (M.D. Wei 2015) (PS13)

- study will be conducted with the same participant group


-PKU8 through applying current research into practise - Study to be conducted over 4 months



- Supports students "Healthy Performer" Module.- Promotes PS14,PVA7 through enccouragement, discussion and techniques

- Ethics forms


- encouraging PVA7 allowing students to reflect on the techniques they have learned to promote self practise through self reflection surveys.

Stratified controlled group sample, aids comparison


- Data from will remain anonymous with the surveys being completed via google forms

- Activties will be specific to wellbeing and NOT mental health discussions .

- No incentives


- Consent- All participants will provide informed consent with the right to withdraw from the research at any point



BERA (n.d.). Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research, fourth edition (2018). [online] Available at: https://www.bera.ac.uk/publication/ethical-guidelines-for-educational-research-2018-online#disclosure. [accessed 4/11/23] Bronfenbrenner U (1979) The Ecology of Human Development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. [accessed 25/11/23]Clarke, T. (2020). Children’s Wellbeing and Their Academic achievement: the Dangerous Discourse of ‘trade-offs’ in Education. Theory and Research in Education, [online] 18(3), pp.263–294. available at https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1477878520980197 [ accessed 21/11/23]Claxon G (2005) An Intelligent Look at Emotional Intelligence. London: The Association of Teachers and Lecturers. [accessed 26/11/23]Craig C (2007) The Potential Dangers of a Systematic, Explicit Approach to Teaching Social and Emotional Skills (SEAL). Centre for Confidence and Wellbeing. Available at: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= [accessed 26/11/23]Diseth Å, Danielsen AG, Samdal O (2012) A path analysis of basic need support, self-efficacy, achievement goals, life satisfaction and academic achievement level among secondary school students. Educational Psychology 32(3): 335–354. [accessed 27/11/23]EDUK (2016). Function, Key Concepts and Principles of Assessment. [online] Educating UK. Available at: https://www.educatinguk.com/function-key-concepts-and-principles-of-assessment/ [accessed 4/11/23]


Hayes D, Ecclestone K (2009) The therapeutic turn in education. A response to our critics. In: The dangerous rise of therapeutic education, pp. 146–164. New York: Routledge. [accessed 23/11/23]Heller-Sahlgren G (2018a) The Achievement – Wellbeing Trade-Off in Education. London: Centre for Education Economics. [accessed 21/11/23O’Shaughnesy J (2015) Knowledge and character. In: Knowledge and the Curriculum, pp. 30–35. Policy Exchange. [accessed 27/11/23] The Education and Training Foundation (2022). Professional Standards for Teachers and Trainers. [online] The Education and Training Foundation. Available at: https://www.et-foundation.co.uk/professional-standards/teachers/. Wei.M (2015). 7 Ways Yoga Helps Children and Teens.Physcology today [online] Available at: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/urban-survival/201505/7-ways-yoga-helps-children-and-teens.[accessed 1/11/23]

Any Questions?