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Nasreddin Hodja

Nasreddin Hodja has a work called Saltukname , which belongs to him and is his first known handwritten work . There is also a work called Poves O hoca Nasreddine.

Where does he lived?

He was born in 1208 in Eskişehir Sivrihisar province

Why he rides the donkey upside down?

The teacher explains why he rides the donkey upside down like this: I thought about it and decided to ride my donkey this why because ı don't like disrespects. If you fall infront of me, you back will be turned to me; Irregularity would be disrespectful

A few work

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec fermentum dignissim tellus sed posuere.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec fermentum dignissim tellus sed posuere.