Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


1. Dishonesty


3.Avoiding conflict



12 Things to avoid

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6.Lack of clear purpose

Lying or refraining from telling the truth.

Putting off work or things that you know you have to do.

Being authentic and speaking your truth instead of following the crowd.

Selfishness involves a sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy, and a need for admiration from others.

The belief that nothing in the world has a real existence or any purpose, life is meaningless.

Not having a strong why, vision or purpose.

7. Adopting a victim mentality

8. Prioritizing short-term gains over long term

9.Poor communication with loved ones

10. Holding resentment at work

11. Not planning for the future

12 Things to avoid

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12. Substance abuse

Victim mentality is a state of mind in which a person feels as if people and the world are against them.

Hating or showing resentment towards teachers, friends, co-workers and others.