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An immersive photo map that explores the different areas of Lindean Loch that personally I feel could be improved by making certain changes to create a more seamless integration of people and place.


Path, for accessible travel from carpark and also provides a scenic walk around the full loch.

Nature Reserve,the top and bottom of the loch are filled with over 600 different species of flora and fauna.

Eildon Hills, add to the scenic landscape that surrounds the loch.

The surrounding landscape is farmland on all sides.

The Banking

A change that would further enhance this place is by offering educational trips to learn about the biodiversity it boasts in a fun and creative way. And with the growing popularity of the loch this education can help the biodiversity to remain and thrive.

A picnic area allows people to be immersed in this space for longer periods of time and to be able to benefit from this space.

Makes the loch more accessible, as better for those with younger kids or the elderly or anyone with hindered mobility.

Having regular open water swimming group meet ups here would create a more social space.

Open water swimming is beneficial to both physical and mental health.

This is also the perfect opportunity to educate young kids on open water safety. This is valuable as in the Scottish Borders there are many lochs and fast-flowing rivers such as the river Tweed, that are commonly used by all ages for leisure purposes, especially in the summer months. By Educating children on life-saving skills such as how to throw a buoyancy aid, CPR and how to spot and escape a rip current. This should not only help protect them but enable them to enjoy the space safely.

The main entrance to the water, as it disturbs minimal flora and fauna, and offers a safe sloped entrance into the loch. This is also great for families as small kids have a place to paddle about.

The old boat house provides a metal grate ensuring a safe entrance into the water. this is also the space in which everyone sits on the banking and lays rugs for picnics and to leave their belongings to when they head into the water or simply for observing the loch.

The banking is the place where I would put the Picnic area.