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Be the best we can be


What impact does explicitly teaching metacognitive and self-regulation strategies have on learners' independence during tasks?

Be the best we can be

Evaluation and Impact

Changes to practice



Be the best we can be

Observation and reflection.

Initial observations and reflection.

Pupil Voice 3

Be the best we can be

Pupil Voice 2

Pupil Voice 1


Be the best we can be

  • Learners need lots of support during independent tasks.​
  • Learners often say that they don't know how to start a task.​
  • Tasks are not completed or are not completed to a high standard. Learners are not putting in the same effort during independent tasks as they do during focused tasks.​
  • Lots of lost learning time as learners become bored.​
  • A noticeable increase in noise and behaviour during afternoon tasks.​
  • No positive impact on their learning.​
  • The majority of independent tasks are copied and pasted from the internet and do not reflect the cross-curricular learning that we want to happen during Missions.​
​ Initial reflection: Am I providing learners with the resources needed to complete independent tasks?​ After discussing this with other members of staff and looking at examples of missions from their classes, I decided to provide additional resources to ensure that I was providing sufficient resources and learners understood their steps to success.

Initial Observations and Reflections

These changes did not have the desired impact on learning.​ ​ Reflection: Do learners have the knowledge and skills to,​ - Manage their own learning during independent tasks?​ - Do they have the skills needed to approach missions in cross-curricular way? (DCF, research skill, how to plan their learning)​ ​ My next steps: ​ Ask the learners for their opinions on Missions. ​ Conduct research to improve my practice and ensure that missions are having a positive impact on learning.​ Visit another school to look at examples of how they complete missions.

Be the best we can be

Observation and Reflection

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Be the best we can be

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Pupil Voice

Be the best we can be

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Pupil Voice

Be the best we can be

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Pupil Voice

After completing this course, I decided to research metacognition and Self-regulation

After completing this course I researched project-based learning and interdisciplinary learning..

Erasmus Innovative Learning Environments: From Theory to Practice- 2023

Erasmus: Teaching Life Competences 1- Shaping Lifelong Learners through Self-Regulated Learning. .

Professional Development

Be the best we can be


​ There is a strong body of research from psychology and education demonstrating the importance of metacognition and self-regulation to effective pupil learning and indepedence.The Sutton Trust-EEF Teaching and Learning Toolkit rates ‘metacognition and self-regulation’ as a high impact, low cost approach to improving progression for disadvantaged learners.​ ​ Self-regulation-Metacognition-

Be the best we can be

Metacognition and Self-regulation


Be the best we can be

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Self-regulated learners are aware of their strengths and weaknesses, and canmotivate themselves to engage in, and improve, their learning.Developing pupils’ metacognitive knowledge of how they learn—their knowledge of themselves as a learner, of strategies, and of tasks—is an effective way of improving pupil outcomes .Teachers should support pupils to plan, monitor, and evaluate their learning.

Be the best we can be

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Explicit instruction in cognitive and metacognitive strategies can improve pupils’ learning. • While concepts like ‘plan, monitor, evaluate’ can be introduced generically, the strategies are mostly applied in relation to specific content and tasks, and are therefore best taught this way.• A series of steps—beginning with activating prior knowledge and leading to independent practice before ending in structured reflection—can be applied to different subjects, ages and contents.

Project based- interdisciplinary learning


Be the best we can be

They decided to create an Eisteddfod that incorporated things from different cultures.

After learning about cultures in Pembrokeshire, the children reflected on their initial thoughts.

Pupil Voice- All activities were based on pupil voice ideas.

The children created their own modern and divserse Eisteddfod where they shared their learning. They invited parents, carers and governors.

Analysing census data.

Does the National Eisteddfod reflect and modern and diverse Wales?

Modern and Diverse Eisteddfod


Be the best we can be

During the summer term, the children were able to work more independently (in collaborative groups) and take ownership of their learning by having a greater understanding of how to plan, monitor and evaluate their learning.

They changed their initial designs so that the final product aligned with consumer needs.

Show casing their products and a film premier at HHVCS.

They reflected on their product designs.

After our pupil voice task, children analysed their pupil voice choices and this was used to inform planning.

The children created a Google Form which we put onto Twitter and class Dojo to gather real-life data.They visted Newgale beach to meet with Pembrokeshire Park Rangers and learn about the things that are impacting our coastline.

What impact do people have on Pembrokeshire?

People in Pembrokeshire

Be the best we can be





I will continue to implement these strategies next year and evaluate their impact on independence and learning.Conduct further research.

Next steps:

I modelled how to approach tasks throughout Spring 1 so that children developed their understanding of the planning, monitoring and evaluation process.The were able to develop more independence during this process throughout the term and apply these strategies during Spring 2.

How...I introduced the plan, monitor and evaluate approach during retrieval practice as this was something the children were already familiar with.I modelled this approach by asking these questions for each step out loud during tasks.I then asked the children these questions during tasks.They were then asked to do this more independently.Plan- What am I being asked to do?What information am I provided with?Have I done this or something similar before? What strategies did I use? What can I do now?Monitor- Is my approach working?Are the strategies I've chosen effective?Could I approach this in a different way?Evaluate- Did my approach work?What could I do differently next time?What are my next steps in learning?


Developing confidence and perseverance during challenges.Helping children understand the vale of challenge.Planning and monitoring their learning through self-assessment and next steps.

Self-regulation is about the extent to which learners are aware of their strengths and weaknesses and the strategies they use to learn.Self-regulated learners are aware of their strengths and weaknesses, and can motivate themselves to engage in, and improve, their learning. ​​At the heart of this is metacognition.

The new curriculum emphasizes cross-curricular and interdisciplinary learning, aiming to develop students' knowledge and skills in a more interconnected manner.


Understanding metacognition is the first step in helping teachers to improve pupils’ metacognition. ​Metacognition refers to the ability to think about and reflect on one's own cognitive processes. It involves being aware of and understanding how you think, learn, and solve problems. This includes knowledge about when and how to use particular strategies for learning or problem-solving, as well as an awareness of one's own strengths and weaknesses in these areas.We approach any learning task or opportunity with some metacognitive knowledge about:​ • our own abilities and attitudes (knowledge of ourselves as a learner); ​• what strategies are effective and available (knowledge of strategies); and​ • this particular type of activity (knowledge of the task).