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End of Life

Assessment Of Unit

An assessment should be made on:
  • Corrosion
  • Strength
  • Refrigerant circuit status
  • Securing of the load
This assessment will give you a decision of how the unit should be transported. For example, the refrigerant may need to be recovered from the unit if there is deemed to be a risk of leakage during transport. The removal and disposal of R290 should only be carried out by an authorised / competent person

The Recycling Program

Mitsubishi Electric has developed a recycling program for end-of-life products, making sure there disposed of in the right way. In partnership with 3rd party company Environcom, we can give you an easy and certified route for disposal of end of life products. Please click on the icon for more infomation
When the unit comes to it's end of life and is ready for disposal, it is referred to as hazardous waste. Different rules apply to disposing of hazardous waste.

Transport Document

Hazardous waste

Rules/permits for tranport of hazardous waste

Laws & Regulations