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Systems - TR

8. Clients and Client Contact Management

systems / TR - CLIENTS & BD


Adding new client/accountFind a registered company numberAvoid duplicating accountsClient related listsClient statusRemove an account from TR


  1. Click “Create New” in the sidebar
  2. Navigate to the Clients Tab and click “New”

There are 2 options to create a new client account:


systems / TR - CLIENTS & BD

“Client Status Override” Field

Active with Placements - Vacancy Filled

Active w/o Placements - Vacancy Registered

Target - Client with a CSI coded Contact

Prospect - Client with no CSI coding

Key Account (Client) Statuses

systems / TR - CLIENTS & BD

Specific Compliance required by client

Client/Account Addresses (Sites)

Credit Check Status

Billing Analytics

Accounts (Clients) - Key Points:

systems / TR - CLIENTS & BD

There is a specific area in TR for you to record and reference all Terms of Business for a particular client/contact.

Adding TOBs to Accounts/Contacts:

00:0000:17 00:3801:45

Introduction DemonstrationTypes of terms of businessDemonstration continued



systems / TR - CLIENTS & BD

“Client Status Override” Field

Recruiter w/Placements – Vacancy Filled

Recruiter w/o Placements – CSI Prospect

Unknown - Client with no CSI coding

Key Client Contact Statuses:

Creating a new client contact

systems / TR - CLIENTS & BD

This is a subset of your CSI list so you can carry out targeted BD activities with these contacts, ideally for a period of 3 or 4 months.

CSI is Huntress' way of categorising our clients through coding on our TR.

CSI Coding & CSI Lists

Target 20

Account Addresses (Sites)

Billing Analytics

D Clients are extremely low users / nonusers who we would call annually.

D Clients

B Clients are key target clients who are regular users of agencies but does not use Huntress yet and who we would call bimonthly.

B Clients

C Clients are target clients that are not yet regular users of agencies and do not use Huntress yet and who we would call quarterly.

C Clients

A Clients are Huntress users that we call monthly.

A Clients

CSI (Client Segmentation Initiative) coding

Credit Check Status

Your target 20 is not to replace your CSI list but to help you efficiently converting clients you've identified.

Client Specific Compliance