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"out of action", "feel rubbish", and "sluggish during training"

"I'd rather eat chocolate and watch TV on the sofa"

"You kind of want to feel really confident and really energetic and when you are on your period you feel a bit rubbish and you don't, I find I don't lift as well as I should do on a normal day so that would be a worry and don't think that worry itself would help for competition"

"Time before my period impacts training and performance, once I'm on [menses] it is just the incovenience of bleeding"

"First day is always pretty grim, I feel terrible"

"If I'm feeling rotten or low on motivation, I'll cut the session and move training to another day, instead I will do something active, but not very energy requiring. It's all of the powerful stuff that I'll reduce down as I'm not as strong at that time bcause I'm not feeling it."

"So you are always like 'oh my god, have I leaked' so that paranoia of leaking is horrible it distracts you, it is another thing to manage"