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Hawaiian Honeycreeper


History of Biocontrol

How to help


Adaptive Radiation

Meet The Manu




'Apapane! 'Apapane!Where is he?

Ohhh here he comes now.

PC: Bret Mossman

Aloha! 'I'iwi

We are learning about Hawaiiʻs Honeycreepers.

PC: Bret Mossman

I would love to!

Can you share about how our ʻohana came to Hawaiʻi?

PC: Bret Mossman

We will see you later. Aloha!

PC: Bret Mossman

Aloha, take care.

PC: Bret Mossman

Before we begin, can I ask, how did your family come to Hawaiʻi?

PC: Bret Mossman

Intresting!Come let me share with you how my ʻohana came here.

PC: Bret Mossman

Next stop the Hawiian Archipelago!

The Hawaiian archipelago is the most isolated group of Islands on the planet.

  • How did life arrive in Hawaiʻi?
  • Where did this life come from?
  • What makes them unique?

Hawaiian Archipelago?

Yes! My kupuna was a finch, come look at my genealogy!

PC: Bret Mossman

Some species came on the feathers or in the stomach of birds.


Some species came on ocean currents.


Some species were blown on the wind.


They got here by:Wind, Water orWings.


PC: Bret Mossman
PC: Bret Mossman

Over millions of years my family also evolved.

This happened over time through a process called adaptive radition.


PC: Bret Mossman


As you can see we filled a niche.

PC: Bret Mossman
PC: Bret Mossman

We adapted to our ecosystem.

PC: Bret Mossman

Which means we are only found here in Hawaiʻi.

Making us endemic to Hawaiʻi.

PC: Bret Mossman

We lived here alone in the islands for a long time.

PC: Bret Mossman
PC: Bret Mossman

Then people came, changing our lives forever.

'Ākiapōlāʻau knows the story.

PC: Bret Mossman

Hey! whats up!

Let me call him, 'Ākiapōlāʻau...

PC: Bret Mossman

Of course I can.

Can you tell us the story of when people came?

PC: Bret Mossman
PC: Bret Mossman

The first people travled here from Kahiki

PC: Bret Mossman

They are know as Hawaiians.


We were very special to them. Click on the to learn more.

PC: Bret Mossman

Cultural Significane

In ancient Hawaiʻi the feathers of the Honeycreepers were a prized possession. Reserved only for Aliʻi.


PC: Bret Mossman

But others came as well... look what happened.

PC: Bret Mossman

Mamo was not the only one lost...

PC: Bret Mossman

Still we lost more ʻohana.

PC: Bret Mossman

Other things came with people that still affect us today.

PC: Bret Mossman

Today we have a lot of challenges.

PC: Bret Mossman

Palila!Can tell us more.

Well hello there 'Akiapola'au, nice to see you.

PC: Bret Mossman

Lets call herPalila...

Yes, I can show them how the ailiens came.

PC: Bret Mossman

Can you tell us of the others who came?

Okay see you later.

PC: Bret Mossman

Okay I will leave you guys now.

Lets analyze some data.

PC: Bret Mossman





Parasitic Wasps

Kalakauaʻs Rule "Laws of the Hawaiian Islands"


Myna Bird

Biocontrol in Hawaiʻi





Nettle Caterpillar

Wiliwili Tree

Program for Bio-control of Forest Pest

National Environmental Protection Act

As you can see a lot of things were released in our home. But why?

PC: Bret Mossman

Hmmm seems like people released things to solve a problem?

PC: Bret Mossman

Did you know these are some reasons for the alien invasion.

PC: Bret Mossman

But, we can make a difference as Tūtū Pukui would say...

PC: Bret Mossman
'A'ohe hana nui ke alu ʻia.No task is too big when done together by all. ~Pukui~
PC: Bret Mossman

Come see whatʻs been happening in our forestʻs.

PC: Bret Mossman

Lets learn about major threats to our Honeycreeper population here in Hawaiʻi.

PC: Bret Mossman


A threat is something that causes harm.


Whats being done?

Select a video to learn how Hawaiʻi has been working to control the outbreak of invasive species.

Invasive Removal


The act of protecting Earthʻs natural resources for future generations.

Read more

How do we help?

What is it?

Habitat restoration, is an intervention by humans to prevent extinction of species and ecosystem collapse.

Habitat Restoration


Read more

What is it?

Population conservation is an intervention by humans to help prevent the loss of a species.

Population Conservation

Avaian Malaria

Mosquito Control


Climate change is the greatest environmental threat facing humanity and nature.

Climate Change

Climate Change

Once, there were more than 50 species of honeycreepers spread across Hawai‘i – today, only 17 species remain, with a few species having less than 200 individuals remaining. Rapid population declines have now pushed the ‘akikiki, ‘akeke‘e, kiwikiu and ‘ākohekohe to the brink of extinction.

What does the future hold?

How can you help?

PC: Bret Mossman

Keep your cats in door or put them on a leash when letting them out.

PC: Bret Mossman

Plant native trees to increase our habitat.

PC: Bret Mossman

Empty standing water so mosqutios can not lay eggs.

PC: Bret Mossman

Teach another person about conservation.

PC: Bret Mossman

Together we can make a difference!

PC: Bret Mossman
PC: Bret Mossman