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A children's interactive powerpoint about nouns. It includes common and proper nouns, singular and plural and countable and uncountable. There are also fun games and activities.


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©2023 Emma Renshaw

All work in this presentation belongs to Emma, and all pictures are royalty & copyright free (from pixabay.com). A single user may use these materials for personal or educational purposes only. Selling or reproduction of these materials for commercial purposes is strictly forbidden.



Today's lesson includes

Description of nouns

Examples of nouns

Common or proper noun quiz game

Noun categories game

Countable and uncountable noun activity


Common and proper nouns

Hit the singular nouns game

True or false quiz

Singular and plural nouns

Countable and uncountable nouns

Nouns are words that name something such as a person, place, thing/object and animal. They can also be things like sleep, love, beauty and kindness (abstract nouns).

What are Nouns?














Read, listen and repeat

Examples of Nouns

Hello, my name is Chloe.
What's the difference?

Common nouns are a type of person, place, thing or animal. Proper nouns name a specific person, place, thing or animal.Here are some examples: 'cat' is a common noun - it is a type of animal.'Chloe' is a proper noun - it is the specific name of the cat.'park' is a common noun - the type of place.'Beamfield Park' is a proper noun - it is the specific place (park) this is.

Common and Proper Nouns

Common nouns start with a lowercase letter, but proper nouns always start with a capital letter. Let's look at some more examples: The word 'girl' starts with a lowercase letter because it is a common noun. 'Rose' starts with a capital letter because it is a proper noun. The word 'fruit' starts with a lowercase letter because it is a common noun.'Banana' starts with a capital 'B' because it is a proper noun.

Common and Proper Nouns


We can identify both common and proper nouns by two things.Common nouns 1) A type of person, place, thing or animal.2) Start with a lowercase letter.Proper nouns1) A specific person, place, thing or animal. 2) Start with a capital letter.

Common and Proper Nouns

What's the Difference?

Singular nouns mean that we are only talking about one single person, place, thing etc. Plural nouns mean we are talking about more than one. Here's an example:The word 'dog' is a singular noun because there is only one dog (no 's').The word 'dogs' is a plural noun because we add an 's' at the end. There is now more than one dog. We don't always just add an 's' to make a word plural. For today, let's keep it simple.

Singular and Plural Nouns

Countable Nouns

Nouns that can be counted are called countable nouns. These are things like children, pencils, cars, houses or even mistakes.There are two pencils. We can count the number of pencils.There are three children. We can count the number of children.Countable nouns can come after the articles 'a', 'an' and 'the' and can be used as a plural.

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Uncountable Nouns

Uncountable nouns cannot be counted, such as bread, water, rice, music and advice.We can count individual grains of rice, but not rice in general. We cannot count music, only the number of songs. Uncountable nouns can't have 'a' or 'an' in front of them and they cannot be plural.

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

  1. hair
  2. grape
  3. juice
  4. cereal
  5. mountain
  6. star
Activity Time!

Click on the dice to get a number, then identify whether the word for that number is a countable or uncountable noun.

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

  • A noun is a person, place, thing/object, animal or state.
  • Common nouns are types of nouns which start with a lowercase letter, wheras proper nouns are more specific and start with a capital letter.
  • Singular means one, plural means more than one. We can add an 's' to make it plural, but not always.
  • Countable nouns can be counted, can come after an article and can be plural. Uncountable nouns cannot be counted, cannot have an article in front of them or be plural.


True or False Quiz!

True or False?

True or False?

True or False?

True or False?

True or False?

True or False?

True or False?

True or False?

True or False?

True or False?

Well done! Great work.