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Harold Gilles and WW1 plastic Surgery. Part 1

To Be Human Again


Why the need for plastic surgery

Harold Gillies- Early Life

Aulus Cornelius Celsus

Sushruta Samhita

Brief history of Plastic Surgery

Gustavo Branca and his son Antonio Branca's Technique

Karl Ferdinand von Graefe

Brief history of Plastic Surgery

83rd Dublin General Hospital

Auguste Charles Valadier meets Gillies

Sir Alfred Keogh

Sir William Arbuthnot

Cambridge military hospital

War Office

"run away little boy. We are far to busy for that sort of thing"

Cambridge military hospital

How helpful was previous research?

Art Example

Henry Tonks

The need for an artist

The basics of Gillies techniques

  • History of the injury
  • Condition of the patient prior to injury
  • The speed and success of healing the patient showed in previous operations.

Building a record of history

  • ‘Exact loss in terms of anatomical structure’- essentially what has been lost.
  • Where what is left belongs.
  • The possibility of correcting displacement
  • Assessment of the condition of bony tissue.
  • Loss of any mucus membrane.
  • Assessment of the oral cavity by a dental surgeon if relevant.

An accurate diagnosis

  • Photographs of injury from multiple angles
  • Plaster cast of the face.
  • Radiographs

Techniques that can aid in diagnosis

  • Normal tissue should be replaced as early as possible and maintained in its normal position.
  • A dental surgeon is required for all injuries involving the oral cavity.
  • Function is always the first consideration in carrying out surgery.


Charles Deeks

Cecil Steed

Harold Burbidge

