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Induction e-learning courseby Nicole Luque

Creating a mulitmedia elearning module to form part of an induction programme







Design commentary


Mock ups






Development commentary


Overall reflections and references

Link to prototype: https://rise.articulate.com/share/FeHBKzPEIA_WKojmCe3YaGGh_jbHFGLN Password: DLI Or link to video demo of prototype (if articulate link fails): https://drive.google.com/file/d/18yQ7cpYGnhlhRAHeiSEI9SI8CrSW3Cn8/view?usp=sharing

Design commentary - word count: 434

An initial workshop was set up with the customer and their subject matter experts (SMEs) to describe the design process, set expectations/deadlines, finalise the scope and map out the wireframe. Key contacts were then set up to review and sign off the wireframe, screenplan and storyboard. From the scope it created a strong foundation and focus on the “who”, “why” and “what” for this learning. From the “who” we can see there is a need to make this learning bite-sized, easy to navigate and access/return to from anywhere at any time for the learners. There also needs to be considerations for international learners with easy-to-understand, simple language or potential translations. For the “why”, Blooms taxonomy was used to form three key learning outcomes using “understand” as the main level. For the “what” the key topics were mapped out with the SMEs to ensure relevant learning was covered to support the “why”. From our scope a conscious decision was made to keep the learning to text-only with no audio. This was to support the learners who were volunteers and may need to access in between work meeting and travel but also to reduce the cost to the customer if they wanted to translate the learning later on into another language. As the learning needed to be easy to access at any time and the key outcomes were lower order thinking skills, a self-directed online learning module was identified as the best medium to deliver this learning. The design process for the wireframe, screenplan and storyboard uses the five main instructional design principles to create:• A hook – A welcome video answering the learner’s “what’s in it for me?” question • Instructional input – showing the learner how the course is structured and can be navigated with bite-sized chunks of learning. Also showing there is a toolkit available for further resources. • Guided practice – making use of scenario activities for learners to start applying their learning in a workplace context to prepare them for their new role • Close and evaluate – a final multiple-choice quiz to cover all of the learning and a final summary to showcase what has been learnt and what this will mean to the learner • Next steps – to include a reminder of the toolkit but also highlight what to do after their learning. This will encourage the learner to finish their induction and start networking with their team(s) Each of these also incorporated Mayer’s principles for multimedia design to make this attractive and engaging for the learner. E.g. imagery to accompany text, coherence to simplify text and content, clear signalling to what to pay attention to etc.

The choice of technology was based on a mix of what would meet the design needs best, what would support the customer’s learner management system and what the customer was currently familiar with. This led to Articulate being agreed with Rise360 to host the main transition page and Storyline to deliver the main learning content. There were two main review stages, first was the mock up designs to make sure the look and feel was correct, then the prototype before moving onto the alpha development stage. This allowed me to collect feedback and work with the SMEs to enhance the learning experience all whist ensuring the learning outcomes was being met.

Development commentary - word count: 111

Overall reflections - word count:203

For what went well, the design provided the right amount of learner activeness (rather than passiveness) with the focus being on a workplace context to prepare the learner for their new role. There was a range of meaningful questions and scenario-based activities designed to stimulate the learner’s thinking and keep them engaged. This helped convey the right information and knowledge as well as the application to situations based on real-life workplace experiences. For lessons learnt, never assume the SME fully understands the process. A couple times the wrong information or format was sent through creating minor delays when I didn’t clarify what I needed at individual stages. There was also some chasing where deadlines had been missed which in future I will schedule in more reminders to prevent. Also, although it was at the customer’s request to keep it to text-only, from a learning experience I would have liked to push more for audio/narration within the learning. This would have supported a larger range of learner preferences and aligned to Mayer’s principles for modality and voice. Overall though, it was a learning module that fully met it’s purpose within the scope and the customer and their learners were pleased and found it effective.


Digital Learning Institute. (n.d.-b). Digital Learning Institute. Module 2 design principles https://courses.digitallearninginstitute.com/courses/take/module-2-design-principles-2021-diploma-programme/multimedia/48085800-module-2-recap Digital Learning Institute. (n.d.). Digital Learning Institute. Module 4 multimedia elearning https://courses.digitallearninginstitute.com/courses/take/module-4-multimedia-eLearning-2021-diploma-programme/multimedia/29025662-lesson-2-design-principles Gupta, D. (2023, October 24). 6 levels of Bloom’s taxonomy, explained (+VERBs). The Whatfix Blog | Drive Digital Adoption. https://whatfix.com/blog/blooms-taxonomy/ How to create a Storyboard for eLearning (Instructional Design) | Devlin Peck. (n.d.). https://www.devlinpeck.com/content/create-storyboard-for-elearning Mayer’s 12 Principles of Multimedia Learning. (2023, June 2). Digital Learning Institute. https://www.digitallearninginstitute.com/blog/mayers-principles-multimedia-learning/

Total word count: 748