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Matt BaileyLearning Experience Design Plan

Assessment Support packages for Diploma learners

5. References

4. The "How" of Learning

3. The "What" of Learning

2. The "Why" of Learning

1. The "Who" of Learning


2) what motivators drive them?

4) what barriers may prevent engagement?

3) what are their digital learning preferences?

The "who" of learning

In order to design a learning experience it is essential to understand:

1) who are our learners?

Persona - ficticious learner that will be completing our training.

Click here to view example Personas

  • wide age ranges between 20 - 60 years old.
  • All completing the Diploma in Residential Surveying and valuation
  • Learners are now in the assessment phase of the qualification
  • all have completed the learning aspect of the qualification
  • mainly english speaking but may not have full written english skills
  • different levels of experience working with property (some may have none)

Who are our learners?

  • Want to complete their assessment stage
  • driven by the aim to achieve their qualification certificate
  • want to obtain required skills and knowldege to start a new career
  • all want more confidence and understanding of the expectations in assessment
  • All want to change career but some have dependant job offers upon completion of assessment stage

what motivation drives them?

  • they all have have some experience because of the learning content
  • prefer short structures modules
  • Content to answer some repetitive questions/queries
  • all are at different stages so modules and topics have to be available indepedently
  • flexible learning schedule
  • actions to be described in simple terms - avoiding complex jargon or acronyms
  • content to be presented in an enaging way

What are their digital learning preferences?

  • most are working f/t whilst completing assessment so limited time availability
  • all have different learning needs
  • all have different knowledge and skills - this can be subject/topic specific i.e. construction or valuation for example.
  • Asynchronous learning seems to fit needs best
  • learners appear to learn at their own pace
  • content to be structured to enable specific individual problems to be answered

What are the learning barriers that must be considered?

Learning Goals - these focus on the benefits and outcomes of a learning programme. They should identify the knowledge and skills a learner should gain by completing the training.

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Why does the business need to change?

The "Why" of Learning

The Problem


Click below to reveal the theory relating to my Learning Goals!!!

Business Need

Learning Outcomes - learner centred measurable achievements aimed at helping learners to connect to the benefits of completing training and manage expectations.

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Method behind thelearning outcomes

The "Why" of Learning:Commentary

The Rationale of learning outcomes


Click below to reveal my Learning Outcomes for the training!

Learning Gapsidentified

The Flow of training

Overview of content

Module framework - This is a framwork of learning that is made up with top level modules, broken down into smaller sections with various activities to complete. These can be completed either in a specific order or at various times to suit the learner.

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The "What" of Learning:Commentary


Click below to reveal the Module Framework!

Structure of content

The flow is built on a linear asynchronous model. The learning content will be split in to modules with each having core topics and then subtopics within them. Each of these will be made up by the following format:

The Flow

This will be written information in Rise packages which will include example and links to documents.


To track progress, learners will have access to quizzes and checklists. This helps to reinforce learning completed. Rise packages will also monitor and record progress made.



These will consist of recorded instructional videos/voiceovers designed to provide examples that learners can work through to help provide some context to the learning.

Interactive examples

  • SMART goals -https://www.mindtools.com/a4wo118/smart-goals
  • ADDIE model -https://www.instructionaldesign.org/models/addie/
  • Blooms Taxonomy -https://www.teachthought.com/learning/what-is-blooms-taxonomy/
  • Blooms Taxonomy - https://www.valamis.com/hub/blooms-taxonomy

Sources used

It skills - Excellent knowlege and use of Mobile apps, Social media, video conferencing, Office suite software

Technology equipment - works with laptop, High speed internet connection, access to and confident in using mobile and tablet.


Joey currently works as an estate agent but is motvated to run own business and become a surveyor. Joey wants to finish her assessment quickly and is trying to find quickest way through the process.


To manage a team, youhave to listen

Learner Name - Joey B

Summary -

  • 25 years old
  • Lives in Nottingham
  • Motivated and an extrovert


To manage a team, youhave to listen


  • Looking for a career change
  • Wants to run own business
  • Wants to finish assessment quickly


To manage a team, youhave to listen


  • Busy with work - limited time,
  • unable to complete work during the daytime,
  • some prior knowledge and perceptions of valuation,
  • Limited construction knowledge


  • wants to know how to complete individual assessments
  • no need for additional support
  • understands the assessment process
  • keen to progress quickly (maybe too quickly)
  • has some idea of how to complete individual assessments and the process
  • no need for additional support
  • needs some assistance with IT
  • needs some assistance with valuation
  • Busy with work - limited time
  • unable to complete work during the daytime
  • Good knowlege of construction elements, dis-likes valuation
  • Needs to change career due to reoccuring injuries
  • Currently owns their own business
  • Wants to finish assessment timely to meet job offer expectations

It skills - limited knowlege and use of Mobile apps, no Social media, some video conferencing experience, basic knowledge of Office suite software

Technology equipment - works with laptop, High speed internet connection, access to mobile.


Ewan currently works as a builder/property developer. Has had a potential job offer so is keen to complete assessment. Has some very vocalised individual needs.


To manage a team, youhave to listen

Learner Name - Ewan C

Summary -

  • 53 years old
  • lives in Bath
  • some motivatation but an introvert


To manage a team, youhave to listen



To manage a team, youhave to listen



  • Busy with shift pattern work - limited time
  • unable to commit to consitsent time to complete assessments
  • very limited knowlege of construction and valuation
  • Very limited use of IT
  • lacking in self confidence and nervousness to start assessment
  • Wants to change career
  • Currently works shift patterns
  • Wants to finish assessment but knows it will be difficult
  • Knows they must improve their skills to achieve qualification
  • doesn't know how to complete assessments or the process
  • needs additional ESOL and IT support
  • unsure of how to start assessment

It skills - no knowlege and use of Mobile apps, no Social media, no experience of video conferencing, never used Office suite software

Technology equipment - bought a laptop for study, average internet connection, owns a basic mobile learning, Very limited experience using it.


Currently works as a courier but has an interest in property. Limited knowlegde in both valuation and construction. Feels out of their depth compared to other members of their training intake.


To manage a team, youhave to listen

Learner Name - Moshin C

Summary -

  • 35 years old
  • Lives in Leicester
  • ESOL
  • Intravert, lacking in confidence and motivation


To manage a team, youhave to listen



To manage a team, youhave to listen



Learning Goals

The self-study learning must be ready to support learners as they enter the assessment phase of their Diploma. The knowledge and information shared must be consistent with the qualification and awarding body standards as well as be simple/instructional enough for learners to understand, interpret and apply by themselves. This will free up time for actual individualised support for learners with declared learning needs.

Each learning outcome will be linked to a practical element of the assessment process. This will allow learners to learn new skills and knowlegde which will lead to building self confidence and empowerment to start assesment process.Outcomes are adaptable to each learners specific needs. Learners will have different starting points as well as potential step off points. This is all based upon their beackground and current existing skills/knowledge. They also have to be flexible to each learners attitude and behaviour towards learning and engagement with learning.


Modules will contain all the minimum learning needed to complete each one but their structure must reflect that different people, need different support, at different times. Learners will still have the opportunity for additional support from a designated colleague or the system.

Using a modular approach, this will allow for content to be deisgned from the bottom up to ensure learning outcomes can be achieved. This will be split intially over 4 modules and each consisting of a varitety of segmented topic areas. This approach will enable learners to either consume:


  • all the learning
  • relevant parts of the learning

After considering the learner personas and the business needs, I have decided to create e-digital learning packages for the content. These will be presented in modules with various topics highlighted in each of these. The modules will be mainly asynchronous and self-paced, and structured in such away to allow learners to undertake the topics specific to them. Currently there are no planned synchronous activities, however, this may evolve based on interaction and feedback. This will be structured in a linear format but learners will have the choice to complete each module and the related topics in an order or only the parts relevant to them.

The 'How' of Learning - Overview

The Problem

  • currently support is offered on a 1-2-1 basis
  • this is very resource intensive
  • time is wasted with answering repetitive issues
  • customers become very dependant on support
  • customers can become very demanding on appointment times available
  • common support needs can prevent customers ability to make progress in assessments

From looking at the previous learner personas created, I identified that these are the entry benchmarks for the sessions. I then considered the learning goal being the end target for learners to achieve once they had completed all or elements of the support training. When considering the starting point and the end point, I identified the following learning gaps:

Learning Gaps

  • Each learner has different starting needs as well as goals
  • Learners need to access different elements of the training in conjunction with their needs.
  • All of the learners will have different expectations that the training will provide

Learning outcomes will be linked to the various levels of Blooms Taxonomy. The different learning outcomes will be classified into levels of complexity and specificity. They will ensure to follow the SMART model (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timebound) so that outcomes can be benchmarked.


Identifying all of these factors are crucial in creating learner personas. These are structured to reflect learner profiles based on information collected from various sources.

Learner Personas

Why does the business need to change?

  • the single staff member has limited time to support a growing number of learners in assessment
  • better information will empower learners to make a start on assessments without the need to engage in support
  • consistent messaging can be provided in regards to support provided
  • reduce customer waiting times for assessment support enquiries to be answered

Repetitive issues have been arising and overwhelming a single member of the team. To try and eliviate this a series of support learning courses will be devised to enable customers to access and answer questions to help with their assessments. This can be structured in away that enables customers to either engage in some, specfic or all parts of the support training provided.

Business Need