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  • Added to the Padlet
  • Watched your lectures
  • Completed any activities
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This week is about a very important skill which will help you succeed at university, finding and judging sources


What sources have you used before in school/college assignments?Lets review the Padlet (5 mins)

Seminar 1 - Source Scavenger Hunt

This week is all about searching for and evaluating sources. One of the first skills to work on is identifying your key words. One way of doing this is 'exploding' terms. First, watch the video below.Task 1In a team with class mates (3 -4 per group) researching a similar area go through the same process on your topic area and identify search terms. Spend a maximum of 5 minutes for each person on thisTask 2 You are now ready to commence your hunt - as an individual - you must find one of each of the types of sources listed in the work sheet (available below) for your particular topic You have the remainder of the session to complete this.When you have completed this check your list with your tutor.Remember relevance (PROMPT) is very imortant when judging the reliability of sourcesUse the remaining time to find sources specific to youMake sure you keep a record of them