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to be

To Be - BYĆ

odmiana czasownika 'to be'

Zdania twierdzące



Krótkie odpowiedzi - całość

Skróty w zdaniach przeczących

skróty w zdaniach twierdzących

Krótkie odpowiedzi

Krótkie Odpowiedzi

Yes, osoba + operator.No, osoba + operator + not.

Ex. Are you busy? Yes, I am. No, I'm not. Is she late?Yes, she is. No, she's not.

W krótkich odpowiedziach - TAK - używamy formy zdłużonej W krótkich odpowiedziach - NIE - używamy formy skróconej

Forma skrócona czasownika 'to be' w zdaniach przeczących

I am not -- I'm notYou are not -- You're notShe is not -- She's notHe is not -- He's not It is not -- It's not

We are not -- We're notYou are not -- You're notThey are not -- They're not

pytania budujemy poprzez inwersję


w pytaniach 'to be' inwersuje przed osobę

Am I ?Were am I? Are you busy? Why are you busy?Is she from Poland?Were is she from?Is he 33?How old is he? Is it 2 o'clock? What time is it?

Are we in?What time are you in? Are you usually late on Mondays? When are you usually late? Are they at work?Where are they ?

Czasownik 'to be' to odpowiednik polskiego 'być'. Głównie posłuży nam do budowania zdań twierdzących, pytających i przeczących, w których mówimy bądź pytamy o to, gdzie ktoś lub coś się znajduję, skąd jest lub jaki jest i kim jest. UWAGA !!!W języku angielskim użyjemy 'to be' do mówienia o wieku !!!!

to be

to be or not to be

Podmiot + to be + co/kiedy/gdzie

I am always free at 7 o'clock in the morning on Monday. You are usually out at 6 in the evening on Tuesday.She is often busy at noon on Wednesday.He is sometimes in at midnight on Thursday. It is 2 years old.We are tired at 2 :30 in the afternoon on Friday.You are lazy every Saturday. They are late every Sunday.

Forma skrócona czasownika 'to be'

I am -- I'mYou are -- You'reShe is -- She'sHe is -- He'sIt is -- It's

We are -- We're You are -- You'reThey are -- They're

Krótkie odpowiedzi

Are you tired? Yes, I am. No, I'm not.

Is she late?Yes, she is. No, she's not.

Is he in?Yes, he is. No, he's not.

Is it 2?Yes, it is. No, it's not.

Are we busy?Yes, we are. No, we're not.

Are you out?Yes, we are. No, we're not.

Are they free?Yes, they are. No, we're not.

Podmiot + to be + not + co/kiedy/gdzie.

I am not tired on Mondays. You are not busy on Tuesdays.She is not in on Wednesdays.He is not free on Thursdays.It is not from Poland. We are not out on Fridays. You are not late on Saturdays. They are not lazy on Sundays.

I am you are we areshe is you arehe is They areit is