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Dr. Dario Luis Banegas

Week 9

Intersectionality in the language curriculum

Have you ever experienced discrimination or priviledge because of your gender+ethnicity+economic status+dominant language?

Now: different areas of inquiry (politics, economy, education, health, etc.)

Origin: law (gender and race)


(Ortaçtepe Hart, 2023, p. 11)

Intersectionality refers to the ways in which discrete forms of oppression and identity intersect with each other, as a result of which the nature of oppression experienced by an individual or a group of people is altered and expanded

"...intersectionality is not only a framework for considering identity but is also deeply connected to an orientation and understanding of justice, or what others have called intersectional justice 'as committing to consistently acknowledging and disrupting layered, interlocking inequities in the lives and communities of multiply-marginalized students' (Annamma & Winn, 2019, p. 319) as is the case with many of our English language teacher candidates and our students." (Kayi-Aydar et al., 2022, p. 2)

(Ubaque Casallas & Aguirre Garzon, 2020)

Are there hegemonic constructions of teaching & learning?

What variety of English does your coursebook/curriculum seem to prefer?

More questions

Is it suggested that it's OK to use English to discuss issues around systemic inequitu?

Who is usually represented in the input and visuals?

Are aims, activities, etc. oriented towards aspirational futures? How?


- Prompt students to ask questions that help them identify the nature of inequity. (Kayi-Aydar et al., 2022)Example: What is the background of the politicians in your local area? Do they tend to belong to the same social class? Are they mostly men?Who is usually stopped by police officers in your city? What do people think of immigrants with a different set of beliefs in your area?

Students ask; students identify

+ info

Blackness & anti-racist practices

(Bryan et al. (2022)

Who studies English in your context? Is the same type of provision in state and private schools?Who has the curriculum in mind? Who has the coursebook in mind?(Glodjo, 2017)

Social class

issues of celebrity, identity, gender and sexuality

Students read & discuss

(Svarstad, 2021)

+ info

Gender & sexuality diversity

Teacher education curriculum

TESOL curriculum

Bringing it all together

Teacher & student agency


Global citizenship


Social justice

This is your safe spaceI am happy you are in this class, I am happy you are in this world.

Happy curriculum analysis!


Bryan, K., Romney-Schaab, M., & Cooper, A. (2022). The illusion of inclusion: Blackness in ELT. CATESOL Journal, 3(1), 1-13. Glodjo, T. (2017). Deconstructing social class identity and teacher privilege in the second language classroom. TESOL Journal, 8(2), 342-366. Kayi-Aydar, H., Varghese, M., & Vitanova, G., (2022). Intersectionality for TESOL education: Connecting theory and justice pedagogy. CATESOL Journal, 33(1), 1-10. Ortaçtepe Hart, D. (2023). Social justice and the language classroom reflection, action, and transformation. Edinburgh University Press. Svarstad, L. K. (2021). Cultural studies and intersectionality in English language education: Exploring students’ engagement in issues of celebrity, identity, gender and sexuality. Language Learning Journal, 49(6), 740-752. Ubaque-Casallas, D. F., & Aguirre-Garzón, E. (2020). Re-signifying teacher epistemologies through lesson planning: A study on language student teachers. Profile: Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 22(2), 131–144. https://doi.org/10.15446/profile.v22n2.80687

1) Examine and critique curriculum & materials for blackness2) Examine and critique hiring processes that disadvantage black ELT professionals

Intersectional justice pedagogy

Curricular justice

  • Critical thinking through discussions on queer identities
  • Culture, religion, & sexuality
  • Queering TESOL
  • Say "no" to bigots
  • Gender diversity as a right

Core contents & procedures