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Artificial Intelligence Concept Map

Parker MitchellENG 4815



This presentation showcases a concept map regarding Artificial Intelligence. Seeing examples and understanding the different capabilities is crucial to overall knowledge on the subject and where such technologies will go in the future. I will be giving an overview of AI regarding its visual, audio, knowledge, and textual capabilities.

Song Covers/Imitation(Click!)

Text to Image (Click!)

How Does AI Learn?(Click!)

Chat GPT(Click!)






Security and Cyber Threats: AI can be used for both constructive and malicious purposes. Cybersecurity threats are evolving with the help of AI-powered tools that can bypass traditional security measures. Safeguarding our digital infrastructure from AI-enhanced threats is of paramount importance.Autonomous Weapons: The development of autonomous weapons systems, often powered by AI, raises ethical and security concerns. Ensuring that AI is used for the benefit of humanity, rather than to harm it, is a major challenge in this context.Transparency and Explainability: AI models are often seen as "black boxes," making it challenging to understand how they arrive at their decisions. Achieving transparency and explainability in AI systems is essential, especially in applications where safety and accountability are paramount.Regulation and Governance: Developing effective regulations and governance structures for AI is a complex undertaking. Striking the right balance between fostering innovation and protecting the public's interests is a continuous challenge for policymakers.Existential Risk: While some concerns may seem distant, the potential for AI to surpass human intelligence and pose existential risks is a topic of deep philosophical and ethical debate. Safeguarding against such risks requires careful thought and international cooperation.

Ethical and Bias Concerns: One of the most pressing concerns revolves around ethical considerations and biases within AI systems. AI algorithms can inadvertently perpetuate human biases and prejudices, leading to unfair and discriminatory outcomes, particularly in areas like hiring, criminal justice, and loan approvals. Striking a balance between the autonomy of AI systems and responsible, ethical decision-making remains a critical challenge.Privacy and Surveillance: The widespread deployment of AI in surveillance and data analysis raises concerns about individual privacy. From facial recognition technology to data mining, we must ensure that AI respects personal privacy rights while upholding security and public safety.Job Displacement: Automation powered by AI has the potential to disrupt traditional employment markets. While AI can create new job opportunities, the rapid replacement of jobs by machines poses a significant concern. Preparing the workforce for the skills required in an AI-driven economy is a considerable challenge.

AI's Concerns and about self:

  • Artificial Intelligence as a being
  • Artificial Intelligence in nature
  • Artifical Intelligence view of self
  • Artificial Intelligence as an object in nature
Artificial Intelligence: Visual

One of the powers Artificial Intelligence holds is the ability to form images from text. When asking artificial intelligence about itself the images that were created often resembled a human unless directed otherwise. Does/will artificial intelligence interpret itself as such? Will it acknowledge that it is not human?

Click here!(or go to next slide)

Artificial Intelligence Textual Abilities

One of the rising concerns regarding AI is the ability for it to create a text. This especially impacts education facilities and occupations that require original work to be made. How will this impact the future and such original spaces? Personally, I was curious about the fears AI might produce regarding itself. I asked Chat GPT to write me a message about the greatest concerns of artificial intelligence. Heres what it had to say about itself:

I find one of the most fascinating aspects of Artificial Intelligence is its ability to learn and constantly obtain more and more knowledge. How can a computer comprehend things of a humans mind? Understanding the softwares that lead technology to understand and interpret different ideas/concepts is a driving force to understand the other capabilities such as the visual, audio, and textual aspects of Artificial Intelligence. The ability for electronics to interpret and understand larger concepts without human guidance shows the evolving nature of technology from simple programming. Where will such abilities take us? We see people asking AI for advice, the ability to craft a grocery list, etc. Where does it get the ability to understand and not rely on facts that are available on the internet? I attached an image asking my Snapchat Chatbox about its day/feelings:

How Does AI Learn?

  • Emotion AI
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning Software
  • Chat Bots

Another tool that Artificial Intellgience can provide is the ability to produce audio. This could range from music, to interpretations, to voices that do not exist. Such a feature has the potential to do amazing and detrimental things. Attached is a video of an AI generated cover imitating famous singer/songwrtier, Taylor Swift, originally performed by The Weeknd.