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Friday, October 20, 2023

Unit 2: Growing pains

Boss Battle

Part 1: Quizizz Score

Go to this link and complete the Quizizz for Weeks 9-11. QUIZISSYou have 3 chances to get your highest score. Screen shot your best score and put it in the space on the left.

Part 2: Neptune Navigation

Go to Clever and log into Neptune Navigation. Complete the Privacy and Cyber Awareness section. Screenshot the DASHBOARD showing that the entire section is completed, and put that in the space on the left.

Part 3: 11.4 Edpuzzle

Go to this link and complete 11.4 's Edpuzzle for "The Urbanization of America". Duncan and his Dad are learning about urbanization and immigration!Screenshot your final score and add it to the space on the left.

Part 4: 9.1 Mission US

Go to this link and finish the Mission US Assignment from last week. All 5 sections should be completed. Screenshot your submission at the bottom of 9.1 and add it to the space on the left.

Part 5: Final Boss Battle

1. Complete the BONUS Pixel Art for the WESTLIN information and turn it in.2. Watch the video about Bass Reeves: The REAL Lone Ranger!